— Go To: Archived 2010 (Jan - Jun) Rudy Report
— Go
To: Archived 2009 (Jul - Dec) Rudy
— Go To: Archived 2009 (Jan - Jun) Rudy Report
— Go To: Archived 2008 Rudy Report
— Go To: Jacko Jabber (Reports on matters relating to the demise of
Michael Jackson)
Well, here we go with the 2010 Rudy Report (Part II-July through December). In typical Gary fashion, the second half of the year starts off with money problems. Remember, you may access earlier year reports from the links appearing above, and at the bottom of this page.
Impact of Property Tax Caps
- Tax collections plunge at 4 Gary taxing units
A state report released this month sheds new light on the caps' fiscal
impact: At least four of Gary's taxing units, including the Gary Community
School Corp., saw drastic cuts in the amount of taxes they can collect.
The property tax caps, voted into the state's constitution in November, stripped more than $13.9 million from Gary public schools, $3.5 million from the Gary Public Library and $874,655 from Gary/Chicago International Airport, according to a report produced by the Indiana Legislative Services Agency for Lake County. Those numbers represent more than half of the taxing units' levies. The city of Gary didn't see $12.5 million because of the caps in 2010.
Chief Issues Appeal/Warning about New Year's Guns
GARY -- Police Chief Gary O. Carter said Wednesday he wants residents of the city to enjoy their New Year's Eve celebrations safely, but warned them not to be firing weapons when the clock strikes 12. "It's against the law to fire weapons into the air. People who do it will be arrested, charged with criminal recklessness," he said.
Gary City Court Judge Deidre Monroe increased bail for anyone arrested for criminal recklessness earlier this month. Persons charged with discharging a weapon must post $1,500 cash to get out of jail, she said.
Police will have extra patrols throughout the city from late Friday through early Saturday, Carter said. "I just want people to celebrate responsibly," he said.
Gary Gives Pink Slips to 34 Firefighters
GARY | Messages filled with anything but holiday cheer were being delivered
to nearly three dozen Gary firefighters starting Sunday.
Union President, Raynard Robinson said as his fellow firefighters are laid
off in the next 48 hours, Gary residents will find their safety
jeopardized. Robinson said a shortage of manpower will force the Fire
Department to close down some fire stations. "Everyone will be at risk,"
Robinson said.
Robinson said at full force the city staffs 13 fire engines and three
firetrucks. The department is down to six engines and two trucks, and the
layoffs will reduce manpower to a critical level, Robinson said.
Robinson said the layoffs are based on seniority and will reduce staffing by
20 percent. The resulting effect is -- as younger, less experienced
firefighters are laid off -- the average age of those left will be 45 to 50,
Robinson said.
Robinson said the money Gary spent to train the younger firefighters now will
benefit other departments that hire them.
The Times was not able to reach Gary Mayor Rudy Clay Sunday on night for a
-GDY]: This seems to me to be a fitting commentary on the
state of things in Gary at the close of the
Judge Rules GSD Trash Fee Legal
GARY -- A special Lake County judge says the Gary City Council legally
adopted a controversial trash collection fee in 2009 that many residents have
refused to pay. Judge Thomas Webber's ruling was entered Thursday, more
than a year after the council voted 5-4 to adopt the $12 monthly fee funding a
trash collection contract between GSD and Allied Waste.
Now the director of the Gary Sanitary District says his agency is obligated
to collect on those customers' past-due bills. It could try to reach back
nearly two years on a fee with a collection rate that has averaged about 35
percent. "For us now to just write off that debt to those people who
didn't pay would be disenfranchising those people who did pay," Rinzer Williams
III said.
Miller Citizens Corp. has maintained the council fumbled procedure, never
actually voting to pass the fee. The council first voted it down in July
2009. As a result, GSD stopped garbage collection for 10 days, creating a
crisis that prompted the council to vote again at its next meeting. During
the second meeting, council member Roy Pratt, D-at large, made two motions to
"reconsider" the fee, and both passed. Pratt did not use the word "pass,"
though, and the MCC has argued the fee was never approved. Douglas Grimes,
who was president of the MCC at the time of the lawsuit and is still an attorney
of record in the case, said Thursday the council should have taken three votes
to properly pass the fee, not two. He said a decision to appeal Webber's
ruling will be up to the 29 plaintiffs listed in the lawsuit.
But in his ruling, Webber said it was "clear" that the trash fee
passed. "The City of Gary properly followed its rules and procedures in
the adoption of the trash fee," Webber wrote.
Williams and Gary Mayor Rudy Clay, who is also GSD's special administrator,
said they hope residents will voluntarily pay the fee now that Webber has issued
his ruling. "Our intent is not to sue the citizens of Gary," Williams
said. "The garbage was picked up," Clay said. "And if the garbage
was picked up, it seems to me the people who had the garbage picked up should
pay. That's really what the judge ruled."
Council took its vote in July 2009. The ordinance was retroactive to January 2009. That means GSD might try to collect on almost two years of unpaid trash fees. Williams has said collection of the fee averages 35 percent or 40 percent, but has been as low some months as 25 percent. One option to secure payment of the fee would be to ask the Indiana General Assembly for permission to shut off customers' water if they don't pay the fee. "That is the greatest motivation to pay the bill," Williams said.
Retired Gary Cop Keeps City Squad CarGARY -- Police Chief Gary O. Carter has obviously changed his mind about
demanding the return of a take-home squad car driven by a retired police
captain. Last week, Carter said he would order Clarence Hightower to
relinquish the unmarked squad car he drove while a supervisor in the patrol
division, then retained after he retired. But Monday's deadline came and
went, and Hightower continued to drive the white 2006 Ford Crown Victoria with
police license plates. Hightower has been seen fueling the car at
city-owned gas pumps.
Hightower is the supervisor for Gary Housing Authority security
officers. GHA does not have any patrol cars of its own for use by security
personnel who patrol various housing properties. His use of the squad car
first surfaced when residents of the Genesis Towers started to complain that a
squad car was often parked directly under the bus stop sign, forcing the senior
citizens to walk out into the street to climb onto the bus.
Carter said Monday that Hightower, who retired in October 2009, performs
duties as a volunteer reserve officer that require him to have a car. "He
(Hightower) has to be at all special events," Lt. Samuel Roberts said after
speaking to Carter on Monday afternoon.
Carter said he wasn't aware of any other reserve officers living outside the
city who have take-home cars. Hightower lives in Merrillville.
Three reserve officers who work Emergency Management duties, such as
performing traffic control for major accidents, parades and large funeral
processions, have take-home cars they use, Roberts said. Those three
officers "are called out at all hours," Roberts said.
Carter could not cite a recent incident when Hightower was summoned to an
emergency during nonworking hours. Roberts said. Hightower's duties
include supervising the reserve officers' towing detail and "legwork" for
various events in the city.
fiscal management here? Evidently it is who you know that counts?
And to add insult to injury, they guy lives in
Rudy Plans to Seek
GARY | Mayor Rudy Clay will seek a
second term during next year's election. Clay confirmed his candidacy
Tuesday at a meeting sponsored by 4th District Councilwoman Carolyn Rogers, who
invited Clay and city department heads to address residents'
"I've been introduced as the man with
the most difficult job in America as the mayor of Gary," Clay said. "You
don't have a mayor in the United States that has the experience that I have as
mayor of Gary."
Clay touted the city's "aggressive"
demolition program, funded with federal money, aimed at wiping out some of the
thousands of vacant housing units that litter the city. The city has more
than 10,000 vacant housing units, about 25 percent of its housing stock,
according to U.S. Census data.
"We've got experience, motivation and
passion for the people," Clay said. "This is no time to change powers
Clay will run against a handful of
other Democrats in the May primary. Other contenders in the upcoming
Democratic primary include former Indiana Attorney General Karen Freeman-Wilson,
Gary City Councilwoman Ragen Hatcher and Gary businessman Jack
Clay said he will make a formal
announcement in a couple of weeks. He was elected to his post in 2007.
The first day for filing for the
May 3 primary is Jan. 19. Filing ends at noon Feb. 18.
us, oh Lord!
No Recount Petitions Filed in Lake
No candidate filed for a recount of the Nov. 2 election with the Lake County
Clerk's office by the noon Tuesday deadline. The deadline's passing ends
nearly two weeks of speculation on whether Carol Ann Seaton would call for a
recount of the election. Republican Hank Adams won the office of Lake
County Assessor against Seaton.
The clerk's office would have been a candidate's first stop in filing for a
recount, but clerk staff confirmed Tuesday afternoon no petitions were
received. Lake County Election Director Sally LaSota also confirmed she
hadn't received such a petition.
However, Seaton adviser Tony Walker said the candidate had as of 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday all the materials and money she needed to file for a recount.
Walker said Seaton left his Gary law office around that time to file the
petition with the clerk's office. Walker heard Seaton arrived a little
after noon Tuesday at the clerk's office, but he was still attempting to contact
her to clarify what happened.
Seaton on Tuesday baffled even her closest advisers, who said they were
planning to file court papers before today's noon deadline. "It was my
understanding she was going to file," Walker said. "Ultimately that's up
to the candidate. I know she had everything she needed, so I'm not
sure." "At 10:30 a.m. (Tuesday) we put a recount petition in the hands of
Carol Ann Seaton. Attorneys usually file the case, but she insisted on
having it, and she left with an hour and a half to file.
Sources within the county election board and clerk's office said a friend of Seaton called the election board minutes before noon to say Seaton was having difficulty driving to the Lake County Government Complex in Crown Point and asked if she could get an extension on the deadline. She was informed there would be no extensions. Seaton appeared at the Government Complex as late as 1:30 p.m. but left the county clerk's office without filing any paperwork.
Walker said, "It's stranger than fiction. We don't quite believe
Repeated calls to Seaton weren't immediately returned on
-GDY]: Free at last, free at last! Thank God,
Almighty free at last of Carol Ann and her shenanigans! Wait one,
what was she doing driving to the Board of Elections office? She is
not licensed to drive!
Clay Defends Visits by
GARY -- Mayor Rudy Clay defends frequent visits by convicted businessman
Roosevelt Powell to City Hall's executive offices, saying the red carpet is out
"for anybody who wants to visit me." "I'm certainly not going to turn away
my friend," Clay said. Clay also said anyone can visit him in his City
Hall offices. "I'm not a fair-weather friend," Clay said. "He's not
on the city payroll. He does not influence city policy, and he does not
have a city contract." The mayor said Powell is helping him with his 2011
re-election campaign
A federal jury convicted Powell, a former Lake County tax collector, in 2007 for his role in a fraudulent scheme to use the Gary Historical Society's tax-exempt status to pocket $150,000. Also convicted were Lake County Councilman Will Smith and attorney Willie Harris. Clay has been steadfast in his defense of Powell ever since Powell's indictment four years ago, saying the businessman "is one of my two closest friends in the world."
But he's not the only person around City Hall Clay finds himself defending
these days. City attorney Carl Jones was convicted last week of
trafficking with an inmate, a Class A misdemeanor. Jones said during his
trial a vendetta by a Lake County deputy prosecutor led to the charges.
Clay likened the crime last week to running a red light. "It doesn't mean
anything as far as his job is concerned," Clay said. "All it is is a
And Community Development Director Jacquelyn Drago-Hunter was indicted by a
federal grand jury last month on charges of wire fraud and aggravated identity
theft. The grand jury didn't say she mismanaged tax money, and Clay said
he's keeping her in charge of millions in stimulus dollars handled by her
After the indictment was unsealed, Clay said she "is a great God-fearing
person from a great God-fearing family."
When you run with thieves ... . Can Gary survive four more years of
Rudy? Will Gary allow four more years of Rudy?
Tax Checks Bear Seaton's Name
CROWN POINT | Lake County officials are holding
checks, in the name of Carol Ann Seaton, that have been used to pay taxes on her
Gary home since at least 2005. Seaton, who is the unofficial loser in the
Lake County assessor race, previously said her late sister, Eloise Gentry,
handled financial matters in regard to the home.
State Police are investigating whether exemptions on
Seaton's home were improperly obtained in the name of William Seaton, whose
signature appears on applications, as recently as 2004, for the
exemptions. Official efforts to locate William Seaton begun more than two
weeks ago have been unsuccessful.
The Times obtained copies of six checks, bearing the signatures "Carol Ann Seaton" and totaling more than $1,600 written to the Lake County Treasurer's office for property tax bills on the Gary home. They are dated for the years 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009. County records indicate the 2007 taxes were paid in cash.
Roosevelt Chaos Closes Book on
GARY -- The staff of Gary Roosevelt thought it would be a good idea to invite a grad to come and speak to the students about drug awareness. Not only was the invited person a Roosevelt graduate, he is a Gary P.D. Deputy Chief of Police. He was accompanied by the deputy chief of the Lake County Sherriff's Department, Lessie Smith.
It turns out, what seemed logical, turned out to be a disaster. The pair never completed their presentations.
Riotous disrespect shattered Gary Deputy Chief Michael Mallett's long-held
Panther Pride. "I'll never go back," Mallett, a 1984 graduate of Roosevelt
High School, said after leaving his alma mater last month.
Before they even spoke, Mallett and Smith had to climb up into the bleachers
and break up a fight in the upper level. And it only got worse. "No
one bothered to listen to me. The louder I tried to talk, the louder they
got. I wasn't going to embarrass myself any longer," Mallett said.
After eagerly anticipating an opportunity to return to his school as a
ranking police officer to share his successes with the next generation, Mallett
said it didn't appear that adults had any control over the "mob" gathered in the
gymnasium. "There was very little education going on, compared to when I
was there," Mallett said.
Teachers, students, parents, security guards and others familiar with the
daily activities in the school say Mallett's experience is not unique.
"The environment there is a significant impediment to education," Gary Teachers
Union President Carlos Tolliver said.
Mallett said he doesn't hold out hope that his once-proud Roosevelt Panthers
will ever return to the greatness he remembers. Tolliver agrees. "If
they won't respect a police chief, will they respect a teacher in the
-GDY]: The last sentence pretty much says it all, does it
not? And, let us not forget, these are the future leaders of our beloved
City Attorney Guilty of Trafficking
with Inmate
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Ruth Ann Krause
Nov 2010]
Jurors in the courtroom of Judge Sheila Moss deliberated
about 45 minutes Thursday before returning the guilty verdict on the misdemeanor
charge, which is punishable by a maximum one-year sentence. A sentencing
hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. Nov. 18.
Special Prosecutor J. Edward Barce, the outgoing Newton
County prosecutor, introduced as evidence the padded manila envelope containing
contraband -- nine cigarettes -- along with liquid makeup, letters and stamps
that Jones gave to inmate Jeffrey Perez, who later was convicted of
murder. A letter in the packet was from Yzaguirre, who offered to perjure
herself for Perez during his trial. "I already told Carl I would. I
will lie under oath for you because I love you and I want you home, but I have
to know when you go home and I stay in jail for the next 7 months are you gonna
wait for me?" the letter states. The visit where Jones delivered the
envelope to Perez was caught on videotape.
Gary Mayor Rudy Clay likened Jones' conviction to running
a red light. "It doesn't mean anything as far has his job is concerned,"
Clay said. "All it is is a misdemeanor."
-GDY]: Rudy obviously has no problem, and is comfortable, with
surrounding himself with attorneys and others who have been convicted of
violating both the law and the public trust bestowed upon
Seaton: Money in Hand for
Compiled From a Post-Trib Staff
[5 Nov 2010]
An adviser to Carol Ann Seaton says he now has enough
money to recount every vote in Lake County if the official tally doesn't put her
ahead. Losing candidate Carol Ann Seaton stayed mum on the issue Thursday,
but Tony Walker, a local lawyer and adviser to Seaton's campaign, said he had
raised enough money to fund a countywide recount of Tuesday's votes.
"My phone's been ringing off the hook all day," Walker
said. He also said he understands the margin separating Seaton and Adams
is closer to 300 votes, about half of the official 668 reported by Lake
County. "That's what we've heard," Walker said.
When reached by the Post-Tribune, Seaton said she had no comment on a possible recount. Seaton also didn't wish to comment on the election, where Republican Hank Adams won the countywide office. "I haven't even seen the final numbers," Seaton said. "I understand they won't be ready until (Friday.) That's what I was told ... I don't comment on something unless I have the facts."
Lake County elections staff haven't been contacted about a recount.
G. David Yaros
[4 Nov 2010]
For those following the travails of Carol Ann Seaton, I want to report she lost her bid for Lake Co. Assessor. The Republican, Hank Adams won, by a margin of 668 votes! It is the first time a Republican has captured a county office in who knows how many score of years.
Seaton may request a recount. However, she would have to pay a minimum of $100 for it, plus $10 per precinct. There are 140 voting precincts in Lake County. The county democratic party is not inclined to help her cover such expense. This is because she has already stiffed it for 3 grand in campaign expenses!
Seaton: I Didn't
Open Letter From Auditor
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Chelsea
Schneider Kirk
[23 Oct 2010]
Carol Ann Seaton responded to the Lake County Auditor's office by saying she never opened the letter sent to the house where she lives in Gary because it was addressed to William C. Seaton. She responded in a letter dated Thursday that, "Since it was unlawful to open mail addressed to another person I can only surmise, based on information that has appeared in newspapers, that it is a request for information regarding William Seaton."
When asked about the letter on Friday, Seaton responded by saying she's planning a press conference sometime next week.
She went on to explain to Katona that "as within most families each sibling takes on certain responsibilities without consultation or involvement of the other siblings." The letter doesn't address questions about William Seaton. Her sister, Eloise Gentry, took care of all matters related to real estate, Seaton said. Gentry died last year.
Auditor Peggy Katona said Friday she is treating the memo, sent by facsimile machine from the office of Calumet Township Assessor Booker Blumenberg, as irrelevant in an attempt to deny any tax liability. Seaton paid taxes on the home last year. Katona said she only will relent on the back taxes if William Seaton comes into the office or someone can prove he is alive and still eligible for the exemptions.
The Gary Health Department reported last week a William
Seaton, living at the candidate's home, died June 2, 1953. Rick Welton, a
local genealogist, said Friday his research of newspaper obituaries in area
libraries turned up 1953 death notices for a William Seaton who lived at the
Adams Street address and had five children, including a daughter named Carol
-GDY]: Give us a break! Just how dumb does she think we
are? Being the upstanding/law abiding citizen she has shown herself to be,
Carol Ann would never open anyone else's mail, right? Now, any potential
problems are all the fault of her dead sister!
Prosecutor Seeks State Police Investigation of
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by
a nwi.Times Report by Bill Dolan
[22 Oct 2010]
William C. Seaton is getting a bill from Lake County for more than $6,300. He’s the official owner of 2378 Adams St., the home of Democratic Lake County assessor candidate Carol Ann Seaton. She has said she lives there alone, and it’s not clear if William C. Seaton is even living.
Now the Lake County prosecutor says he will ask for a
state police investigation into the matter.
Auditor Peggy Katona said last week anonymous tips
prompted her office to check on two tax exemptions applied to the house.
One is for property owners 65 years or older. The other is for
owner-occupied homes. Carol Ann Seaton is 62, according to court
No one responded to a letter Katona sent to the address
last week seeking information to prove the exemptions are legitimate.
Therefore, the exemptions will be removed, and William C. Seaton will be billed
for three years’ worth of back taxes. "Everything was put back on," Katona
The 2009-pay-2010 tax bill will rise from $110.53 to $1,112.35, Katona said. The property owner will also be billed:
— $1,949.32 for 2006-2007Removing the exemptions ultimately added $6,330.24 to the
tax bill.
Carol Ann Seaton couldn’t immediately be reached by the Post-Trib for comment Thursday. She ignored several earlier calls for comment, also. She did talk to the NWI Times. Bill Dolan reports: Seaton said Thursday, "As far as the exemptions are concerned, I never signed those. How they got on there is something I am asking too and investigating. I was one of five children and ... that was not my job to do."
William Seaton is rumored to be the father of the
candidate and her siblings.
Although Seaton declined to clear up the mystery surrounding the exemptions, she said she sent information explaining her position to the county auditor's office. However, Holinga Katona said late Thursday the deadline to authenticate the exemptions passed at 4:30 p.m. without anyone, including the candidate or William Seaton, responding to her inquiry.
Seaton Exemption Questions
Grow The Democrat candidate for Lake County assessor isn't returning phone calls,
but questions about her home's owner and its tax exemptions continue to pile
up. Carol Ann Seaton, who is seeking the county assessor's office against
Republican Hank Adams in this fall's election, lists 2378 Adams St., Gary, as
her home address. County records show the owner of that home is William C.
Seaton, who benefits from homestead and senior-citizen tax credits there. But on Friday, Gary Health Director Shirley Hawkins said a William C. Seaton
who lived at that address died June 2, 1953. According to a
Post-Tribune obituary published June 6, 1953, he was 65. However,
an affidavit filed May 10, 2004, in Lake County lists William C. Seaton's date
of birth as Jan. 2, 1926, meaning that person would have been 27 in 1953.
That document was filed in application for a senior-citizen exemption at 2378
Adams. The Social Security Death Index, meanwhile, lists a "William Seaton" who died
in Indiana in June 1953 at the age of 65. That person's birthdate was Jan. 2,
1888, according to the database.
Compiled From a
Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel
[16 Oct 2010]
-GDY]: This wench undoubtedly deserves to occupy space in a
government building, preferably a cubicle with bars! Send her to jail,
she belongs!
Seaton Tax Records Signatures in
Compiled From a
Post-Trib Report by Jon
From a nwi.Times Report by Bill Dolan
[15 Oct 2010]
County officials examine paperwork of embattled candidate for assessor
GARY -- Lake County officials are concerned signatures on tax exemption
applications for Carol Ann Seaton's home might be forged, sources say.
Earlier this week, though, Lake County Auditor Peggy Katona said she wants to
verify Seaton's home is eligible for two tax exemptions it receives. She
said the inquiry was prompted by anonymous tips.
That property, at 2378 Adams St., is owned by William C. Seaton, according to
county property records. More than $89,000 in homestead and senior-citizen
tax exemptions were applied there during a three-year period starting with the
2006-pay-2007 tax cycle. Carol Ann Seaton, meanwhile, lists it as her home
address on several documents. She told a Lake County Circuit Court
magistrate earlier this month she needed a hardship driver's license because no
one lives with her. "I live
alone, so it has been impossible even to go to the grocery
store," Carol Ann Seaton told Magistrate Richard F. McDevitt. The Lake
County auditor's office already is investigating complaints William Seaton no
longer lives in the home and Carol Ann Seaton, who isn't listed as a property
owner in Lake County, doesn't qualify for exemptions.
Now, sources are pointing to differences in three signatures on paperwork
filed to apply for those exemptions. Each purports to be the signature of
William C. Seaton. The signature on a 1979 homestead credit application of
a William Seaton, the owner of record of the candidate's residence and believed
to be the candidate's relative, appears dissimilar to a William Seaton signature
on applications for a senior citizen tax exemption in 2004.
Two signatures in question appear on documents filed May 10, 2004, seeking an
exemption offered only to property owners 65 or older. Carol Ann Seaton is
62, according to court records. One document said William C. Seaton was
born Jan. 2, 1926. The signatures on those documents appear in boxes
labeled "signature of applicant." Boxes labeled "signature of authorized
representative," where someone could have signed on William C. Seaton's behalf,
are left blank. Above each signature is the sentence, "I/We certify under
penalty of perjury that the above and foregoing information is true and correct
and that the applicant was a resident of Indiana and owner of the aforementioned
The exemptions on the Seaton home, near 23rd and Adams Street in Gary's
Midtown section, removed more than $31,000 in assessed value, reducing taxes on
the home this year to less than $111.
Neither Carol Ann Seaton nor her attorney returned multiple calls for comment Thursday. When asked earlier this week if William C. Seaton lives at 2378 Adams, Carol Ann said only, "that's the owner of the property."
Sheraton Hotel Rehab Dead, Site Returned to
City Compiled From a
Post-Trib Report by Jon
Seidel [14 Oct
2010] New It also isn't
clear how, or if, New Gary will pay the remaining $728,000 balance on a related
loan granted by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. Members of the
Clay administration insist Rudy's
Campaign Promise — Clay introduced
Kupritz to his constituents in February 2007, as the city's election season was
heating up and Clay faced his first popular vote as mayor. The men said
they would turn the Sheraton into a senior-citizen high-rise. They
promised condominiums for the top floor, and they said they'd heat the building
with geothermal energy and power it with corn. A sales trailer
opened outside the Sheraton in November 2007, where investors could purchase
their share of the real estate. "The world can now stop doubting what
we're going to do here," Clay said then.
[The sales trailer was son shuttered by New Gary LLC, signaling the
giving up on condominium sales. The trailer was eventually hauled
away.] About the same
time, A key obstacle
to any progress at the Sheraton, whether it be development or demolition, was
the asbestos found throughout it years ago. New Eleven months
later, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management confirmed New Gary and
J&K successfully cleared 98 percent of the asbestos from the building.
But clean-up of the final 2 percent stalled as money trouble at New Gary became
apparent. Kupritz took back a 20 percent cash collateral he had deposited
with the Gary-East Chicago-Hammond Empowerment Zone, the loan's
administrator. Without it, New Gary couldn't access the
loan. In February
2009, EPA officials said a deal was reached to turn the remaining loan money
over to New Gary without Kupritz's collateral. An EPA project manager said
Although Kupritz
never backed down from his promises, they ultimately went
unfulfilled. The
Sheraton's Future — Now that the
Sheraton is back in the city's hands, Clay's staff says Clay, who said
the senior-citizen high-rise idea is "off the table," said he learned from the
Sheraton project that he "can't get ahead of the red tape." "You get it
done and then announce it, you know?" Clay said. "So, we're going to stop
talking about things and just get them done." Meanwhile,
Empowerment Zone Director Scott Upshaw said New Gary owes a balance of $728,000
on its federal loan. The other $7,000 was never disbursed, he said.
Severtson said
According to the original loan
document, New Gary was supposed to begin payments on the principal and interest
six months after the cleanup was finished. If the EPA were to deny the
extension and demand payment on the loan, Severtson said
-GDY]: Unless I am mistaken, the building is, and shall remain,
empty and, thanks to Rudy, the city is now on the hook to the EPA for a
three-quarter million dollar loan and another $130K in upaid real estate
taxes. Yeah, Gary benefited from this fiasco,
Compiled From a
Post-Trib Report by Chelsea Schneider
nwi.Times Report by Bill
[14 Oct
"This is for
real," Dante Rondelli, the County Council's finance director, said Wednesday of
the austerity moves. Department heads can reorganize with the same bottom line
in mind, but layoffs must happen by Dec. 3.
The county
prosecutor's office lost 12 positions including vacant positions not funded in
2011. Sheriff Roy Dominguez has said county police will lose 26 positions. He
contends the majority of those will be handled by planned retirements but 10
court security officers are included in the cuts.
The budget also
terminates jobs in 32 county and township government offices, including the
offices of the county clerk, auditor, treasurer, recorder, surveyor, coroner,
prosecutor, parks, county and township assessor; the courts; and other smaller
government subdivisions.
Elections and Registration lost two employees, and the county auditor's office
will cut three positions.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Not to
worry, the recession is over! Just ask the folks at the
Under Auditor Scrutiny for Claimed
Compiled From a
Post-Trib Report by Jon
[14 Oct
Phone Calls, Tips Prompt Action —
Lake County
Auditor Peggy Katona said a series of phone calls and anonymous tips prompted
her office to look into tax exemptions applied to the home of county assessor
candidate Carol Ann Seaton.
More than $89,000
in tax exemptions were applied to that property's assessed value in a three-year
period starting with the 2006-pay-2007 tax cycle, records show. One is a
homestead exemption, which is granted to owner-occupied properties. The
other is an exemption for property owners 65 years old or older. Carol Ann
Seaton is 62, according to court records.
Katona said her
office sent a letter to that address seeking to verify William Seaton is
eligible for those exemptions. "If they don't respond within a week or
so," Katona said, "we have to remove it."
William Seaton
doesn't need to physically appear in the auditor's office, Katona said.
However, her staff must see his 2009 tax return, a Social Security letter or the
last five digits of his Social Security number, and a driver's license or state
Seaton spoke
briefly to the Post-Tribune after learning about
the questions raised at the auditor's office Wednesday. She wouldn't
answer directly when asked if William Seaton lives at 2378
She also said "you
don't just remove exemptions in the middle of a tax cycle without someone's
direction." Seaton, a Democrat, sits on the county's Property Tax
Assessment Board of Appeals and would be familiar with procedure. She is
running for assessor in this fall's election.
She also
complained that she's been treated poorly by the media. "The Post has been extremely unfair to me," Seaton
-GDY]: Let's see, she claims an "owner occupied" exemption even
though the owner does not live there, she claims an exemption for
people over age 65, but she is age 62, and she calls the Post-Tribune the Post? Ms. Seaton most
definitely exhibits all the traits/qualities to be
BMV Rules
Seaton Still Not Allowed to Drive In the newest chapter of Carol Ann Seaton's driver's
license woes, the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles announced its decision
Thursday to uphold the state's original ruling finding Seaton hadn't proved her
Indiana residency. The BMV's ruling means Seaton's driving record is still
marked as fraudulent, which will impact the hardship driver's license Seaton was
awarded Tuesday by a Lake County Circuit Court magistrate. BMV spokesman
Dennis Rosebrough said a hardship license can't be issued to Seaton if her
record is marked as fraudulent. Erasing the mark on her record requires Seaton to prove
she's an Indiana resident, Rosebrough said. If Seaton proves her
residency, she still faces a year-long suspension on her driving
privileges. But if the correct paperwork is turned in, Seaton's record
would change to a suspension making her eligible for the hardship license.
"At this point, she's not eligible to get a hardship license because her record
is still marked as fraudulent," Rosebrough said. Central to Seaton's case
with the BMV is the fact the Democratic candidate for Lake County assessor also
has documents suggesting she's a Michigan resident, Rosebrough said. Seaton's license debacle goes back to May when the state
discovered she held licenses in both Indiana and Michigan. Seaton has
admitted to holding the two driver's licenses but said it reaped her no
benefit. Through it all she has maintained that she's an Indiana resident,
telling the magistrate earlier this week that she has always lived in the state
and has never had a home other than the address in 2300 block of Adams Street in
Gary. At the hearing, Seaton presented a host of mailings she has received at
the Gary address, including a cell phone bill and her quarterly payment from the
Lake County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals, where she's a member of
the board. A notice from the BMV was also sent to the Gary address.
Rosebrough said the BMV's decision exhausts Seaton's
administrative appeals on the state's ruling. Any new appeals or filings would
move to the court system, he said. Seaton Hardship License
Compiled From a Post-Trib
Report by Chelsea Schneider Kirk
[8 Oct 2010]
Compiled from
a Post-Trib Report by Chelsea Schneider Kirk
[6 Oct 2010]
Carol Ann Seaton
successfully laid out her case on Tuesday to receive a hardship driver's license
telling a Lake County Circuit Court magistrate she's always been an Indiana
When asked why her
driving record was marked as fraudulent with the Indiana Bureau of Motor
Vehicles, Seaton responded, "I have no clue." The BMV continued its
suspension of Seaton's driver's license in September. In the ruling, the
BMV administrative judge wrote she had seen no indication Seaton is an Indiana
resident. Seaton appealed the BMV's ruling and BMV spokesman Graig Lubsen
said the state will release its decision Thursday.
Of the Gary address
she uses in her campaign filings, Seaton told the magistrate, "That's my only
home I've ever lived in, sir."
Magistrate Richard F. McDevitt granted Seaton's request for the hardship license. One condition for such a license is if a person can prove he or she needs a restricted permit to drive to and from work. Seaton, the Democratic candidate for Lake County assessor, told McDevitt she has had to call off from work because of her suspended license. Seaton is a deputy assessor at the Calumet Township Assessor's Office. "I live alone, so it has been impossible even to go to the grocery store," Seaton said.
Seaton attorney Sam
Berkman presented several mailings the candidate has received to her address in
the 2300 block of Adams Street, including her quarterly installment from the
Lake County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals, where she's a board
member, and a notice from the BMV.
Seaton remained silent
when asked by a cross-examiner whether she's ever held a residency outside of
Indiana and specifically asked about Michigan.
Seaton said she found out the inconvenience of not having a driver's license the hard way when it took her an hour and a half to travel to a PTABOA meeting by bus from her Gary house. The board meets at the Lake County Government Center in Crown Point. Not having a license has also made it difficult for Seaton to attend events before the Nov. 2 election where she's running against Republican candidate and longtime St. John Township Assessor Hank Adams.
"I really feel I've been unfairly treated," Seaton said.
State Audit Reveals Gary
Compiled From Post-Trib and nwiTimes.com Reports
[5 Oct 2010]
The annual spending study once again questioned Gary's
ability to survive under Indiana's property tax caps. They've yet to be
fully enforced in Gary, but could be in effect by 2012. For the second
year in a row, state auditors have expressed doubts about Gary's ability to
avoid bankruptcy due to the effects of
property tax caps on the city's budget. In its annual audit of the Steel
City, the State Board of Accounts noted that "the amount of budget reductions
that would be required for the city to fully implement the current tax
legislation raises substantial doubt about the city's ability to continue as a
going concern."
In 2009, Gary overdrew its general fund account by more
than $9.7 million and used nearly $27 million in interfund transfers to stay in
business, according to the audit released Monday. At the same time, the
city typically took up to seven months to pay vendors, and the Northwest Indiana
Regional Development Authority still is waiting on $3.1 million in back payments
owed by Gary, the audit said.
Adding to the city's plight is the loss of $6 million
withheld by Majestic Star Casino, a property tax collection rate of 74% and a
five-month delay in property tax distributions.
The state also hit
City Hall for signing a deal to pay the the Gary SouthShore RailCats baseball
team to maintain the city-owned baseball stadium. It noted Gary agreed in
its original lease of the stadium to perform
maintenance. Because the RailCats took over that work
and sought expense reimbursement from the city, auditors noted, Gary ended up
covering the cost of the sales tax paid by the team. It also said $124,115
was paid to the RailCats without proper documentation.
Mayor Rudy Clay
signed a $1,500 vending contract for the sale of shirts at the 2009 Michael
Jackson memorial, the report says, but that contract wasn't approved by Gary's
Board of Public Works and Safety. Auditors also said the City Council
didn't approve salaries paid from the Gary Sanitary District to certain City
Hall employees, including the
mayor. Gary has already taken steps to correct
that with its 2011 budget, which acknowledges those salaries.
To bring city services in line with lower city revenue,
Gary has eliminated more than 400 jobs, consolidated departments, outsourced
trash collection and raised fees. However, should Hoosiers vote Nov. 2 to
add the property tax caps to the Indiana Constitution, Gary no longer would be
able to seek relief from their effects, which would require still further
reductions in city services to balance the budget.
Calls Monday to Mayor Rudy Clay and City Controller
Celita Green for comment on the audit were not returned.
-- Compiled by Post-Tribune reporter Jon Seidel
-- By Dan Carden dan.carden@nwi.com
First Day
as Mayor for "Tuna:" He Plans to Run
Compiled From
a nwiTimes.com
Report by Sarah Tompkins
[28 Sep 2010]
On his first business day as East Chicago's new mayor, Charlie "Tuna" Pacurar asked for the resignation of all city department heads and planned to announce his candidacy in the upcoming mayoral caucus.
Pacurar took the helm after a jury convicted former
Mayor George Pabey of federal corruption charges Friday. As city
controller during Pabey's administration, Pacurar was first in the line of
succession. Pabey was found guilty of stealing money from the city to
revamp a home he owned in Gary's Miller Beach neighborhood. The conviction
stripped him of his office as soon as the jury announced the verdict.
Letters spelling "George Pabey" still were on the city
administrative building that houses the mayor's office Monday afternoon.
The waiting room, with its maroon carpet and blue leather-like chairs, was
Two things Pacurar did not do Monday: move into the mayor's office or return multiple calls from the Times. His secretary, Roselyn Sakevicius, said he had meetings all day and would talk today. She said she did not know if, or when, Pacurar would move from City Hall on Indianapolis Blvd. to the mayor's office next door.
But Pacurar is looking beyond these next few weeks as
temporary mayor to the Oct. 16 caucus, when the city's 36 Democratic precinct
committeemen will elect someone to serve the remainder of Pabey's term, which
runs through 2011. Pacurar will be one of the caucus candidates, according
to several sources.
City spokesman Damian Rico described life Monday at City
Hall as "a little different, but it's OK." "Mr. Pacurar is a steadfast
leader, and the city will run efficiently, that's for sure," Rico said.
Rico declined to comment on a morning meeting Monday of
city department heads at which Pacurar asked them to resign, while noting the
potential for them to be rehired. Frank Rosado, head of the city's Human
Resources Department, also declined to talk about restructuring, and multiple
department heads did not return calls for comment.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Youse gotta love da'
Region! Where else could "real life" read like a chapter or
script from The Untouchables; "Tuna" the
mayor, city spokesman 'Rico," secretary "Sak-a-vicious" and H.R. head
"Rosie" Rosado?
Seaton to Fight Charges
Democratic candidate for Lake County assessor Carol Ann
Seaton requested a jury trial on a misdemeanor charge she faces involving
vehicles registered to a Michigan address. "At this point, we plan on
fighting the charges," said Seaton's lawyer, Sam Berkman.
Berkman entered a preliminary plea of not guilty for Seaton on Monday at her initial hearing in front of Lake County Judge Julie Cantrell. Her trial was scheduled for Jan. 7 at the hearing with a pretrial conference in early December.
Both court dates are after the November election when
Seaton faces off against Republican candidate and long-time St. John Township
Assessor Hank Adams.
Seaton, 62, declined to comment after the hearing.
Seaton used a Gary address in the 2300 block of Adams Street on her campaign
filings for the countywide office. Yet, she has had at least three
vehicles registered in her name to an address in Union Pier, Mich.
too hard to see what is going on here, is it? Ms. Seaton is putting off
having to deal with her legal problems until after the election, thereby getting
the story off the front page for the time being.
Seaton Registered Voter -- in Michigan A Michigan voter registration record has surfaced for
Lake County assessor candidate Carol Ann Seaton, but officials there say she
never cast a ballot. One also said it's "very likely" the registration was
created automatically when Seaton sought her driver's license there. "It's
the same form," Kelly Chesney, a Michigan Department of State spokeswoman,
said. The record shows Seaton registered as a voter in Union
Pier, Mich., in March 1990. It lists her address there as 16327 4th St.,
the same address listed on her canceled Michigan driver's license. The
voter identification number also matches her Michigan driver's license
number. Kathie Butler, deputy clerk for Michigan's New Buffalo
Township, said there is no record of Seaton ever voting there. Seaton's
voter status is listed as "verify," because an address confirmation card sent to
Seaton's Union Pier address was returned undelivered, she said. Meanwhile,
Seaton has been a registered voter in Lake County since 1970 and has voted in
more than 50 local elections, records show. Neither candidate Seaton, nor her attorney,
responded by press time to calls seeking
Compiled From a Post-Trib
Report by Jon Seidel
[25 Sep 2010]
Admits Holding IN/MI Llicenses
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel and Chelsea Schneider
[23 Sep 2010]
The Democrat made her comments during a radio interview
simulcast on WJOB 1230 AM and WLTH 1370 AM. She insisted to hosts Dave
Kusiak and Matt Reardon she is an
At first she resisted questions about her licenses in
"This is considered as a Class D misdemeanor," Seaton
said. "Class D misdemeanors are more or less like a traffic ticket, so
we're not talking about anyone who has taken money, or this is not considered a
felony. It's not considered as anything major."
When asked why she pursued the
Michigan is where her heart and future are, then let's let her go there.
She has no business being the Lake Co. Assessor!
Mum on Sanitary District Salary
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel
[23 Sep 2010]
GARY -- Elected city officials are beginning to commit to
ongoing pay cuts in 2011, but Mayor Rudy Clay chose to "be silent" Wednesday
when it came to the monies he receives from the Gary Sanitary District.
Clay also deflected criticism about the potential layoff of
more than 30 firefighters, saying far more paychecks could have been stopped at
the Gary Fire Department had it not been for the work of his staff. "This
mayor is responsible for saving 26 jobs, and we're trying to save some more,"
Clay said.
Public Financial Management Inc. recommended in a report
last year that
Clay said that number could go even lower if "everybody
chips in." That, he said, means he wants the Fire Department to continue
working on a restructuring plan and for the airport to agree to firefighter
staffing changes. He also said he needs Clerk Suzette Raggs, City Judge
Deidre Monroe and their employees to continue pay cuts taken this
year. "You absolutely shouldn't have a budget where you're giving
raises out," Clay said.
The original draft of
Raggs said she also committed to "the same kind of cuts as
we've taken this year."
Slight pay cuts have already been proposed for Clay and his
staff. Clay's cut comes in addition to an annual cut of nearly $7,000
taken in 2010. However, the additional $54,075 he receives from the Gary
Sanitary District means his pay next year will be set at $134,310.
The mayor's staff said cutting his pay won't save
firefighters' jobs, and they pointed out he's already taken pay cuts. "We
have cut to the bone," Deputy Mayor Geraldine Tousant said.
The mayor, meanwhile, said his Sanitary District salary has
been addressed in the past. He refused to comment further Wednesday beyond
saying, "I've given up everything but blood." "What's the next question?"
Clay said.
wants everyone to "chip in," so long as it does not diminish his
outrageous salary! After all, how can one expect anyone to live
amidst squalor and ruin without a six figure
Budget Hits Gary Firefighters
GARY -- The city's union leaders are meeting with Mayor
Rudy Clay's staff as a vote nears to adopt Gary's 2011 budget. The City
Council likely won't be ready to adopt it when it meets Tuesday, though, meaning
a special meeting will be needed.
The Gary Fire Department is among the departments
expected to take a big hit next year. Its budget will drop from $12.8 million to
$10.8 million, based on a draft. That cut includes the loss of as many as
37 firefighters, slashing the workforce there from 231 employees to 194.
But Controller Celita Green said just 31 firefighters
could be cut if the city can convince the Gary/Chicago International Airport to
help pay the salaries of firefighters working there. "We're asking them to
cover some of that cost," Green said of the airport.
Raynard Robinson, president of Firefighters Local 359,
said all of the firefighter positions expected to be cut are filled. He
said he asked Clay's staff to cut the budget elsewhere before public safety
takes a hit. He also said the union is seeking a grant to help soften the
blow. "We have nothing to give up," Robinson said.
Clay points to a report by Gary's fiscal monitor last
year that instructed the city to cut as many as 57 firefighters. He said
the city was able to "whittle that number down" by being creative. "This
is not something that we want to do," Clay said. "This is something that
we are mandated to do."
The Gary Police Department budget, meanwhile, is
expected to increase from $12.9 million this year to $13.7 next year. Del
Stout, president of the Gary Fraternal Order of Police, said he met with the
city administration and was told to expect the status quo.
The FOP still has outstanding grievances with the city,
he said, because the city promised pay raises in 2008 and 2009 but didn't
deliver. "We're trying to come to some sort of settlement," Stout
said. "Other than that, nothing's really changing."
Ayanna Wright, president of AFSCME Local 4009, said she
wanted to review a copy of the 2011 budget before meeting with the
administration. So far, Wright said, her biggest concern is the inequity
among employees when it comes to ongoing pay cuts. While pay for many
employees working for the City Council, Clerk Suzette Raggs and Judge Deidre
Monroe will rise slightly, the pay of many employees working for the
administration will decrease slightly, according to a draft.
Gary is aiming for an overall budget levy of $41.1
million next year, down from $48.6 million this year.
Seaton BMV Appeal 2 Days Late
INDIANAPOLIS | The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles will
decide next week what to do about Carol Ann Seaton's appeal of the agency's
ruling she is not an Indiana resident. Seaton's appeal, which arrived
Friday, was postmarked Sept. 13. BMV rules required her appeal to be mailed no
later than Sept. 11.
Spokesman Graig Lubsen said the BMV's attorney could
throw out her appeal because of the late postmark or may still consider her
challenge despite the timing of her filing.
Seaton has also requested a Lake County judge to issue
her a hardship driver's license. A hearing on that request is set for Oct.
the woman cannot timely file an appeal which affects her personally, how in the
world is she going to get the tax bills out on time, one
Majestic Star Stays Afloat but May Get New Captain
INDIANAPOLIS -- Majestic Star Casino said it could soon
be under new ownership and end its years-long dispute with Gary City Hall as it
convinced the Indiana Gaming Commission to renew its gambling licenses
Thursday. The Gaming Commission's members voted unanimously in favor of
Majestic Star after hearing criticism of the casino from Gary City Council
members, but no objections from Mayor Rudy
Meanwhile Don Barden, Majestic Star's Detroit-based owner, sounded like his years in the Hoosier casino business are nearing an end. He told the commission, "I've appreciated my time in Gary." But he said his council critics might not enjoy working with Majestic Star's bond holders. "They're going to be tougher than I am," Barden said.
Majestic Star attorney Peter J. Rusthoven and city of
Gary attorney Mike Hile said their clients could soon settle a lawsuit filed by
Majestic Star in 2008. Their deal could mean the city will finish building
an access road from Cline Avenue to Majestic's Buffington Harbor property, as it
once promised. It also might mean the casino will release millions of
dollars owed to Gary under the terms of a local development agreement. The
money has been withheld since the court battle began.
It isn't clear how much the cash-strapped city would
get, though. Hile and Rusthoven said the amount owed to Gary under the
terms of a 2005 agreement would be about $10 million. But Gary's attorneys
have said that deal isn't valid because it wasn't approved by Gary's Board of
Public Works and Safety. Hile and Gary Corporation Counsel Susan Severtson
said Majestic Star would owe about $17 million, if an earlier 1996 deal is
Clay said he didn't oppose Majestic's license renewal
Thursday because he would rather bring the lawsuit to an end. "We think
resolving it would be better than turning the lights off at Majestic," Clay
But City Council members Roy Pratt, D-at large, and Mary
Brown, D-3rd District, asked the commission not to renew Majestic's
licenses. Brown said Gary is in "dire need," and its citizens are hurting
because Barden hasn't paid money he owes the city. "He's driven the whole
economic development plan into a ditch," Pratt said. "So we're here asking
that you take the keys away." City attorney MacArthur Drake also said
Majestic Star is behind on its property taxes. "Simply put, the city needs
a change," Drake said.
Barden himself responded to Pratt and Brown. He
said his company's bankruptcy filing last year could have been prevented if Gary
kept its promise to build the Cline Avenue access road. He also said he's
forgiven Pratt's "personal vendetta." "I used to harbor some ill feelings
toward him," Barden said of Pratt, "But I don't anymore. I totally forgive
him. "
But Barden said Pratt's wish for a "clean slate" might
be granted. "There's going to be new owners," Barden said.
The Gaming Commission didn't put any conditions on
Majestic's license renewal. But before its vote, Chairman Tim Murphy
pointed out to his fellow members they can initiate a suitability study of the
casino at any time. "We always have that option open to us," Murphy
the time came to "stand up and be counted," where was Rudy? Not on the
side of Gary. How he could do it I don't know, but he sided with
Barden! Time will tell whether or not Rudy made the right decision
Gary's Failing Buildings Attract BBC TV
Compiled From a Post-Trib
Report by Jon Seidel
[15 Sept 2010]
GARY -- London's BBC television network will visit Gary
next month to film scenes for its "Wonders of the Universe" show. Its
producers want to use Gary's failing buildings as a metaphor for the eventual
collapse of the universe. Controller Celita Green said the BBC is thinking
about filming the Palace Theater, City Methodist Church, Union Station, and
along Broadway and Washington Street. The six-member film crew would work
in Gary between Oct. 5 and Oct. 8.
"I don't know if I'm honored," City Attorney Carl Jones
said. "So is this something we want?" Jones asked.
Gary's Board of Public Works and Safety considered
whether to give permission to the BBC during its weekly meeting Wednesday.
Barden Bias Blooms in Bid
for Tax Dollars
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Michelle L. Quinn
and a nwiTimes.com Report
[14 Sept 2010]
GARY -- The city is poised to make the issue of Majestic
Star owner Don Barden's noncompliance with his agreement to pay taxes and
adjusted gross revenue a political one, if the Indiana Gaming Commission sees
fit to allow him to keep both of his gaming licenses. The Gaming
Commission is expected to consider the renewal of Barden's gaming licenses
Thursday in Indianapolis.
Councilman Roy Pratt, D-at large, Gary-based attorney
Macarthur Drake and Calumet Township Assessor Booker Blumenberg criticized
Barden at a Monday afternoon news conference. Pratt hopes to drum up
public support against Barden, who Pratt says owes the city $27 million, though
Pratt said he needed to confirm whether the money is back property taxes or
gross adjusted revenue per the certificates of agreement casino developers are
required to sign.
Barden, whose company filed bankruptcy last year, is
appealing the $50 million in assessed value each boat was given in 2006, when
the state converted to a market-value assessment, Blumenberg said. Prior
to 2006, the boats were assessed at about $20 million apiece and Barden is said
to have paid $253 million for the Trump boat and its assets.
Blumenberg said he didn't assess the boats at more than
$50 million each when the law changed even though they could have supported it
because he didn't want a repeat of what happened with U.S. Steel Gary
Works. Nevertheless, Barden filed an appeal and is required to continue to
pay the taxes on its 2005 assessment. If Barden loses the appeal and has
to pay the $27 million, 43 percent of that money, or a little more than $11
million, would go directly to the city.
Whether he has paid is up for scrutiny, as Lake County
Councilman Larry Blanchard has said the casino has not paid on several parcels
whose taxes aren't being disputed. Majestic Star General Manager Larry
Buck, on the other hand, has said the casino is paying the required amounts and
the appeals and the company's bankruptcy have nothing to do with each other.
"(Barden) turned his back on us," Councilwoman Mary
Brown, D-3rd, said. "If he thinks so little of us as to sit back and watch
us die slowly on the vine, he doesn't deserve to have those licenses.
We've reduced our salaries and employees' salaries; we've all bitten the
Ahead of the potential showdown today before the Indiana Gaming Commission, a Majestic Star Casino executive disputed a Gary councilman's claims that the company owes the city millions of dollars. "We believe we are paid up to date 100 percent in accordance with laws of state," said Larry Buck, senior vice president and general manager of Majestic Star Casino LLC.
"Buck, in an interview Wednesday, said the casino has met its obligations to the city and Gary failed to keep its promise to create an access road to the casinos
Pratt said gambling centers pay 32% in gaming and
admissions taxes to the state. The Gaming Commission, according to Pratt,
has already taken over a license once -- in Evansville -- for a lot less money
is high time that the City of Gary and Barden resolve their ongoing
feud! It definitely in the best interests of both to do
so. Failure to get back on track will only spur the demise of both the
casino and the
Jackson Museum May Miss Next Gary Deadline
Compiled From a Post-Trib
Report by Jon Seidel
[2 Sep 2010]
GARY -- The Jackson Family Fondation might miss the second city deadline for turning property over to it this week for use in honoring the late pop star Michael Jackson and his family.
Corporation Counsel Susan Severtson said JFF President Simon Sahouri has been in town "with his team". She said the transfer should happen "very shortly." "The process is moving forward," Severtson said.
Gary's Board of Public Works and Safety gave its blessing three months ago to a deal in which the city promised to transfer five parcels of Glen Park property to the Jackson Family Foundation. It was signed by Sahouri and Jackson's parents. They promised to build a $300 million entertainment complex including a Michael Jackson Performing Arts Center on the site. The singer's estate has not sanctioned those plans.
The original deadline for close of escrow on the transfer was 30 days after the deal was executed on June 2. The city approved a time extension in July allowing another 60 days for the transaction to happen. That deadline passes this week, and county records show the land hasn't changed hands. Gary has been waiting for the Jackson Family Foundation to finalize its not-for-profit status before transferring the land.
Severtson said Gary might approve another time extension
if the transfer doesn't happen ahead of the current deadline.
anyone at all surprised by this turn of events? If so, pray tell, why?
Seaton License Suspension Stays in Effect
The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles will continue its
suspension of Carol Ann Seaton's driver's license because Seaton hasn't proved
to the agency that she is a state resident.
Even if the embattled Democratic candidate for Lake
County assessor can successfully prove she's an Indiana resident, she'll face a
one-year suspension of her driving privileges after the correct documentation is
provided, according to a ruling released by the BMV on Wednesday.
"From all of which it appears that (Seaton) has
indicated her residence in both Indiana and Michigan only when it suited her
interests," stated Judge Carla Hartman in her ruling. "I have seen nothing
which indicates that (Seaton) is truly an Indiana resident."
The BMV also will mark Seaton's record as fraudulent
until she can prove she's an Indiana resident.
But Seaton can appeal. The ruling is a recommended
order and will become a final order once the period for requesting the appeal
has passed later this month.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Let's see, she cannot hold a
driver's license because she is unable to prove she is a resident of the
state, but yet she can run for, and theoretically hold, the office of Lack
County Assessor? "Ain 't Gary/Lake Co. politics a
Gary Rents Unneeded Parking Lot
The city of Gary has paid $1 million since 2004 for
access to a private downtown parking lot it doesn't use, records show, and
taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $700,000 more.
Mayor Rudy Clay said he didn't even know the deal
existed until the Post-Tribune asked about it this week. "You must be
kidding me," Clay said. "That doesn't make sense."
Yet in 2002, former Mayor Scott King agreed to pay a
$169,800 annual user fee for 10 years to Broad Ridge LLC of South Bend for its
Frank L. O'Bannon Center parking lot in the 600 block of Broadway. In all,
Gary would pay $1.698 million.
The O'Bannon Center and its parking lot are found in one
of Gary's many tax increment financing districts. Gary used TIF cash
generated by the building to pay Broad Ridge until 2009. But Broad Ridge
is no longer paying taxes on the property. It won an exemption in 2008
because it leases office space there to the state. That means there's no
TIF money to pay the fee.
Gary created the one-block "6th and Broadway" TIF
district, where the O'Bannon building is found, in September 1995. Its
borders are Broadway to the west, Massachusetts Street to the east, East 6th
Avenue to the north and East 7th Avenue to the south.
TIF districts are used by communities across Indiana to
kick-start economic development in defined areas. After a TIF district is
created, taxes generated by an increase in property values there are sent into a
separate account and earmarked for further redevelopment within the district.
When Broad Ridge LLC offered to build an office building
in the "6th and Broadway" TIF district, officials expected the increase in
property value would generate at least $1.4 million in TIF money over 10
years. A sister building Broad Ridge offered to build in the 100 block of
West Ridge Road was expected to create $844,221 in TIF money, but no TIF was
ever formed there.
The developer promised to acquire the Broadway and Ridge
Road properties and spend about $13 million building the two office buildings so
they could be leased to the state. The one on Broadway would eventually be
named after late Indiana Gov. Frank O'Bannon. Broad Ridge then leased the
office space to the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration.
Among Gary's commitments in the Broad Ridge deal was the parking lot user fee paid in installments of $84,900 twice a year for 10 years. In return for the fee, Gary would be allowed to use the parking lot at the O'Bannon building for 99 years "in connection with downtown events and activities during evening, weekend and holiday hours." The deal sports the signatures of King, former City Controller Husain Mahmoud and former Gary corporation counsel Hamilton Carmouche.
Deputy Mayor Geraldine Tousant was familiar with the
arrangement. Even though documents identify the fee as a "use payment,"
Tousant said Gary offered Broad Ridge the money as an incentive to build out the
lot. She said it helped Gary meet a requirement to provide 3,000 parking
spots for visitors to the U.S. Steel Yard four blocks away.
King pointed out the former Sears building was also
being repaired nearby. "I think we wanted access to that parking lot for
city purposes should the need arise," King said.
Records show Gary fell behind on its payments
immediately. It used money from its cumulative capital improvement fund to
make the first payment on April 16, 2004. It started using TIF money in 2007.
But Broad Ridge applied for a tax exemption on its Gary
office buildings in 2006, citing an Indiana law that gives a break to the owners
of buildings leased to public agencies. The Lake County Property Tax Board
of Appeals granted the exemption in February 2008, according to the county
assessor's office.
Dan Botich of Cender & Co., a financial adviser for
the Gary Redevelopment Commission, said Broad Ridge's tax exemption effectively
shut off the stream of revenue Gary used to pay the user fee. As a result,
Gary hasn't paid its user fee since July 21, 2009, leaving $169,800 past
due. Another $84,900 will be due in December.
"There's nothing to make the payment from," Botich
said. Gary had just $26,932 in its "6th and Broadway" TIF in June, records
show. Clay said the city will ask the state for help making the remaining
payments because state employees actually use the lot. "We should not be
paying any money for a parking lot that we're not using," Clay said.
another snafu of monumental proportions! $1.68 Million for a parking lot
it does not need, or use? What was Mayor King thinking? How
could Rudy not know about this deal? Did not any one notice the
$169,800 annual payments? What makes Rudy think the state is going to bail
it out of this mess? One also has to wonder why the audtior appointed
by the DUAB did not discover this
Gary Demolition Moves Forward
GARY -- Neighborhoods all over the city either have or
are set to receive a bit of a facelift. Grants are responsible for the
good fortune.
35 of 152 homes slated for demolition have already
fallen to the wrecking ball, Mayor Rudy Clay said Thursday. The building
demolition was made possible through a $2.2 million U.S. Housing and Urban
Development Stabilization grant.
HUD walked the city through choosing the structures for
demolition, said Redevelopment Director Vaness Dabney. Some concentrations
of decrepit buildings are near the The Steel Yard baseball stadium, Lew Wallace
High School, Ivy Tech Community College and Indiana University Northwest, along
Grant Street and Broadway and in the Horace Mann district.
Instead of tearing down blocks at a time, HUD instructed
the department to go after the "best of the worst," or blocks that have one or
two dilapidated structures. "That way, we stop the bleeding; those blocks
with more than 10 abandoned buildings, they're already gone," Dabney said.
"We can come back and get them later."
Clay said he saw the wisdom in that strategy firsthand
last weekend, when neighbors on 43rd and Massachusetts came out to clean up
around a demolished house. "It's like they were inspired," Clay
said. "God knows we need demolition in Gary, Indiana," Clay said.
"You can't have a great city with the abandoned houses all around.
-GDY]: Before one can begin anew, I guess it is imperative to
tear down the old, dilapidated and deteriorating?
New 'Extravaganza' Fuses Arts, Economic Development in
Davina' Stewart, founder of the Gary Arts Extravaganza,
sees her burgeoning program as a means to revitalize the city with the help of
its residents. "I'm interested in utilizing the arts to jump start
economic development," she said. "I also want to see it inspire people to
think out of the box in terms of what they want their communities to look
like. If you think in an art perspective, it allows people to think about
things in a different kind of way."
Kicking off the inaugural run of her program Aug. 27 in
downtown Gary, Stewart, who resides in Gary, received her bachelor's degree in
African American Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia. On Aug. 20,
she completed the coursework to obtain a baccalaureate certificate in community
development and urban studies from Indiana University Northwest. She is
also a poet and performance artist, creating social justice–inspired works and
influenced by past and present groundbreakers from jazz vocal pioneer Nina
Simone to San Francisco performance artist Rhodessa Jones.
Stewart and the Central District Organization Project
are hosting what she hopes will be a monthly event. Her inspiration for
the arts showcase came this summer, while interning with the project and being
introduced to the Vision for Broadway Development Plan during classes at
IUN. The plan is a joint effort between the City of Gary, the Gary, East
Chicago and Hammond Empowerment Zone and the American Planning Association.
"I thought 'OK, I'm going to intern at this community
organization that does political work, and as an artist, I'm going to figure out
what I can do (to bridge politics and art)," she said.
The Extravaganza is slated to kick off 3 p.m. Aug. 27 at
the city lot in Gary, 744 Broadway, where area visual artists are slated to
exhibit their works and performance artists and ensembles are on tap to
perform. At 7 p.m., the festivities will move to the Link Bar Lounge,
where artists from a myriad of genres will host workshops and showcase their
Approximately a dozen visual and performing artists and
ensembles from throughout the region are lending their talents to the
"In terms of community development, it's really
important to create a safe space for people to explore different ideas and use
the arts," Stewart said. "I'm a poet, for example, but I may not be much
of a dancer. But if you're providing me with a space where I could learn
to do that and feel safe, I may try it and trying new things may also translate
into other areas of my life."
Stewart, who has her sights set on a master's degree in
arts administration and a doctorate in African American studies in the future,
hopes her Extravaganza will be held monthly on every fourth Friday.
luck with this! What a crackpot scheme; a bunch of wannabes, rappers
and moonwalkers strutting their stuff, to be followed by workshops in a
local bar? This is sure to spur economic development! Pray tell, how
many tax dollars are going into this fiasco?
Gary Schools 'Allergic to Change' Study Says
Gary is among the worst cities for school reform in the nation, ranked above only Detroit, in a new study released this week by a national education research institute. The study states that the Gary Community School Corp. is "allergic to change," and names the school district's "old-timer" mentality as the city's most serious barrier to school reform. The city received a D grade in the Thomas B. Fordham Institute study which sought to rank America's best and worst cities for school change.
Conclusions are mostly based on two separate surveys --
the first sent to senior leaders of 16 national education organizations and the
second sent to responders with first-hand knowledge of local conditions.
Gary Superintendent Myrtle Campbell challenged the
notion that the district hasn't been aggressive in turning its schools
around. She highlighted the move to turn the district's high schools into
career academies. "This (survey) happened around the time we were putting
into place our reform efforts," Campbell said. "We do have a clearly
defined mission. The academy concept is a proven national model of reform,
by improving college and career readiness." The study also doesn't include
the reform model Gary schools picked for Roosevelt Career and Technical Academy,
which has failed to meet state and federal standards, at the urging of the
Indiana Department of Education.
Campbell was critical of the methodology.
Researchers said that their analysis of Gary was limited by a low response rate
on the national survey. Because of the low response, the city didn't
receive a ranking on one of six indicators involving the municipal and political
environment. "I have some concerns about this report," Campbell said.
"They themselves said, in one big caveat, that the methods they have to
grade cities are fragile." Campbell said the district has worked with
Teach for America as well as the New Teacher Project through Indiana
Researchers examined the nation's 25 largest cities and
hand-picked five smaller communities, which is how Gary was included in the
report. Cities were graded on how easy or hard it would be for charter
schools or any other educational foundation looking to create an out-of-the-box
approach to traditional education to set up shop.
Gary is home to seven charter schools, the most of any
city in Northwest Indiana, according to Ball State University's charter school
"We tried to evaluate the degree they're creating
hospitable environments for new problem solvers," said Rick Hess, director of
education policy studies for the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Research. "We are not grading school districts ... It doesn't all rise and
fall on the superintendents or principals. They have to be part of a
municipal effort to really drive student achievement."
The Fordham Institute is a proponent of charter schools
and its sister not-for-profit the Fordham Foundation authorizes charter schools
in Ohio.
The Gary Community School Corp. is heavily referenced in
the city's portion of the study. Survey results found that the school
district doesn't reward so-called "smart problem-solvers" and that constant
turnover is an issue. Researchers concluded that the local teachers' union
is "united in its opposition to reform." Gary's local talent pool is
practically nonexistent and recruiting fresh talent is "nearly impossible,"
according to the study. While Gary does host a small Teach For America
contingent, it's relatively devoid of other alternative certification
programs. According to the study, the school district also doesn't spend
its dollars, "looking forward to reform."
Study not based on testing
In her work with the Gary Life Education Initiative,
Gary teachers have reached out to collaborate on college readiness, said
not-for-profit director Tavetta Patterson. The organization helps provide
college-bound curriculum to Gary high schools.
"Teachers are looking for solutions now," Patterson
said. "They are at the point that it's going to take more than just the
people hired in the school to bring change. (Change) is constant and it's
necessary. You'll have a group of people that is of course going to resist
it. Then you'll have a group of teachers pretty much at wits' end and
asking what we can do to help."
Rankings weren't based on student test scores or graduation rates, but used six indicators. Along with a school district's environment, the cities were graded on human capital or how restrictive the teachers' union is to reform, financial capital or how much money is spent per student, charter environment or to what extent charter schools have penetrated the market, quality control or the functionality of the state's student data system and finally political thought toward school reform.
Gary 2011 Budget Cut Not Enough
Compiled From a Post-Trib
Report by Jon Seidel
[25 Aug 2010]
GARY -- City Council members vented their frustration with the state of Gary's finances Tuesday when they met with Mayor Rudy Clay's staff to review the 2011 budget. They learned that even though it cuts Gary's overall budget levy by 12% from this year's $48.6 million to $42.8 million, another $1.7 million must still come out. Once that happens, Gary's 2011 expenses will only be covered if Lake County collects 100%of the city's property taxes. Recently the county collected just 72%. "It is grossly unfair," Council member Mary Brown, D-3rd, said.
The numbers are based on last year's report by Public Financial Management Inc. The state forced Gary to hire PFM as its fiscal monitor and PFM's report included projections based on rare 100% property tax collection rates.
Controller Celita Green said the city should do what the state expects by reducing its budget to the 100% mark. Once that's done, she said the state might be inclined to help Gary cover the shortfall. Other council members said the state might be setting Gary up to fail. "We've done way and above what could possibly be done," Council President Ronier Scott said.
In a few months Gary is likely to prepare for its third and final trip to the Indiana Distressed Unit Appeals Board. The DUAB gave Gary budget relief in 2009 and 2010 by raising tax caps for property owners here higher than elsewhere in the state. "We need their assistance," Green said.
Council members also heard from Judge Deidre Monroe and Clerk Suzette Raggs. Both explained how their budgets have already been cut drastically. Monroe said her budget has dropped from $2 million in 2008 to $1.43 million in 2011. Raggs said hers has been cut by $366,034 since she's taken office. Both of their proposals are over budget by a combined $1 million based on PFM's numbers. Neither included 2010's pay cuts in their proposed 2011 budgets. "I'm just waiting for direction from the council," Monroe said.
Council members, who didn't propose pay cuts in 2011 but
are under budget by $43,240, didn't give that direction to Monroe or
Raggs. The council's accountant said pay cuts could reappear in the
budget's final draft, though.
For now the budget sets Gary's general fund at $52.1 million and its general fund levy at $40.5 million.
A Rudy
Awakening I just learned that Hizzoner annually earns considerably
more than the Governor of Indiana. Rudy is the recipient of two incomes
from the city; one as mayor and one as who knows what from the Gary Santitary
District. Yes, that's right, the city department that outsourced
garbage collection. The combined income to Rudy from both of these sources
is $134,310! Not a bad haul, to say the least. Meanwhile, poor Gov. Daniels labors on behalf of all the
citizens of the Hooseir state for a paltry $95K per year. Maybe Rudy can see his way to floating Mitch a few bucks
now and then, just to tide him over the rough spots he undoubtedly encounters on
a less than 6 figure income?
A Commentary by GDY
Aug 2010]
Seaton Challenges Opponent's Candidacy
Democratic assessor candidate Carol Ann Seaton has filed
a challenge against her GOP opponent, Hank Adams, contending the county
Republican chairwoman lacked authority to fill the party's ballot with the
long-time St. John Township assessor.
Adams originally ran unopposed in the primary for his township position but was elevated to the party's nomination for county assessor for the Nov. 2 election. No Republican candidate ran for county assessor in the May 4 primary.
Adams called Seaton's challenge a stalling tactic on
Thursday. Gary resident Dakota Smith filed a challenge to Adams' candidacy
the same day as Seaton. Smith also is challenging the county Republican
chair's authority to fill vacancies on the ballot.
"She (Seaton) and her campaign people are now attempting to suppress voters' rights in Lake County by having me removed from the ballot," Adams said in a statement. "Challenges must be directed with respect toward qualifications of the individual and not procedural qualifications. Her attempt to put this decision in the hands of the county election board, which seats three Democrats and two Republicans, for a vote on my eligibility, is a desperate act."
State law provides that a county chairperson if authorized by a county committee can fill vacant spots on the party's ticket, according to Indiana Election Division legal counsel Dale Simmons. Usually permission is given by the committee with a resolution or meeting minutes that show the chair was given the authority. Lake County Republicans filed such a resolution with the Indiana Republican Party in 2009, party spokesman Trevor Foughty said. He confirmed the resolution was office and not name specific.
"However it was supposed to be done, they did do it correctly," Foughty said.
Seaton License May Be Suspened for a Year
Carol Ann Seaton, the Democratic candidate for Lake
County assessor, traveled to Indianapolis for an administrative hearing with the
Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles on Thursday, a BMV spokesman confirmed.
Seaton appeared alone at the hearing, without legal counsel.
At issue is driver's licenses Seaton held in both
Indiana and Michigan. The state suspended Seaton's license in June pending
the hearing. The BMV also canceled the registration to a Ford vehicle
registered under Seaton's name. The vehicle, registered in Indiana on May
26, previously had been registered in Michigan.
On Thursday, the BMV recommended the judge suspend
Seaton's license for a year, BMV official Dennis Rosebrough said. Rosebrough
expects the judge to issue a decision early next week. "If she does prove
her Indiana residency, we still believe she ought to have a 12-month suspension
based on discrepancies in documents and in her application," Rosebrough said.
The state suspended Seaton's license after BMV officials
found she had a valid Michigan driver's license listed under a Union Pier,
Mich., address. The address Seaton used for her Michigan license and for
at least three cars she registered in the state is for a vacant, wooded
lot. Seaton most recently renewed her Michigan license in February and her
Indiana license in September 2009.
In her campaign filings, Seaton used a Gary address, the city where she's lived since at least 2000.
da' Mayor Speaks: Gary
Showing Signs of Progress
When viewed objectively and comprehensively, ample
evidence suggests that progress is occurring in Gary.
The financial distress in Gary has been more acute in
comparison to many communities because of previous decades of divestment.
Consequently, in the last few years, we have been tackling repercussions from
the economic decline and simultaneously working to break free of the financial
quicksand the city was drowning in when I became mayor.
While much is known about Gary's plans to create jobs
and development with the Jackson Family Foundation, less focus has been directed
to the city's success in the reducing our property tax levy by 33 percent.
Even more impressive is our projected tax levy reduction of 58 percent scheduled
for 2012. These tax savings are in addition to other cost-cutting measures
carried out.
Gary is not always swinging for the fences with its
economic strategies. But our city is scoring runs daily in property tax
restoration, fiscal belt tightening, crime reduction, elimination of illegal
dumping and a host of other areas.
Gary city workers should be commended for sustaining the
city despite robust spending and labor cuts. Our city controller and city
finance team should be commended for safely navigating Gary's rapid transition
to a modern fiscal reality altered by tax caps, massive spending reductions and
a national economic recession.
As we look at the city's challenges, let's promote how
Gary took responsibility for its future and avoided mass layoffs by being
innovative. For example, Gary was among the first cities in the nation to
carry out furlough days and to recommend pay concessions to preserve jobs and
benefits during the current slowdown. In fact, as mayor, I have at times
volunteered my services and am taking a 5% cut in pay, along with other
department heads. This includes 10 furlough days without pay.
As observers of Gary, or any urban center, it is easy to
discover challenges that spread negative perceptions, but the complete story
should be told if a more accurate and hopeful picture is to emerge. Gary
is a uniquely situated waterfront suburb of Chicago that successfully has
weathered a lingering financial storm and is now poised for explosive economic
growth. Progress is being made.
Consider that during a Washington, D.C., meeting
arranged by U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh with Housing and Urban Development Secretary
Shaun Donovan, our request to restructure existing funding was granted.
Consequently, Gary is beginning to demolish some of its estimated 3,000
abandoned structures. A great majority of these buildings were abandoned
prior to my becoming mayor. Nevertheless, this demolition will create and
preserve jobs and will lay the foundation for development on freshly cleaned
Many communities are laying off police and, in some
cases, developing lists of crimes they will not respond to. Gary is hiring
police officers and has just bought nearly 100 new cars with stimulus money to
increase police presence and provide better city services and safety.
Gary is now transitioning from a phase of simply trying
to survive to an era in which its citizens will enjoy an improved quality of
One area of the city being improved is historical
Marquette Park and the adjoining lakefront. The area is set to undergo a $28
million restoration made possible by our active collaboration with the Northwest
Indiana Regional Development Authority. Not only has networking occurred inside
Gary and throughout Northwest Indiana, but our outreach has expanded into
Chicago, Washington, D.C., and even to China as we have worked to promote Gary's
economic interests.
Gary is innovative, as demonstrated by our survival thus
far. Gary also has brilliant people as exemplified by our universities,
churches, families and individuals like Notre Dame's most recent valedictorian
-- Gary's own Katie Washington.
Gary also has shown it is progressive as it has
developed Gary/Chicago International Airport from a regional perspective and in
the way the city has collaborated with the South Shore Convention and Visitors
Authority to host annual air shows. This year's air show served 350,000
people. More than 2 million people have attended the air show in the last
six years with no arrests.
In the final analysis, since perceptions influence
reality, when it comes to Gary and our region, let's base our perceptions on
demonstrable and encouraging facts to build vibrant realities we can all
Rudy Clay is the mayor of Gary. The opinion expressed in
this column is the writer's and not necessarily that of The Times.
[COMMENT -GDY]: The above is presented in
the spirit of offering equal time to opposing points of view. I
suppose taking steps to tear down 3,000 abandoned homes may be viewed as
progress, but I fail to appreciate how this preserves jobs? Reaching out
to China has reaped large rewards, hasn't it. But hey, Rudy is right, it
is a start. Gary does not need to save taxes, it needs to generate tax
revenues! What part of this does Rudy not understand? Rudy has the
chutzpa to tout the Gary, International Airport? Some (many) may see it as
at best a pipe dream, and at worst an albatross around the neck of the "Steel
Airport Leader Jets Off to Florida
GARY -- Gary/Chicago International Airport Director
Chris Curry will leave the position he's held since 2006 to head three general
aviation airports in the Naples, Fla., area. Curry accepted the position
as executive airport director for the Collier County Airport Authority on
"Airports are not meant for a person to spend a
lifetime," Curry said. "You do as much as you can in that time frame to
try to move it forward on whatever the agenda is of the appointing
authority. I felt that I had done and accomplished a lot in six years in
getting us there, and it was time to move on to another opportunity."
Before Curry was the airport director, he served as
deputy airport director under Paul Karas.
The Collier County Board of Commissioners appointed
Curry to the position in late July, and he expects to start his new job around
mid-September. "My last day will probably be sometime around Sept. 8 or at
a time that me and the chairman and board discuss," Curry said. "It's my
intention to make the transition as seamless as possible to help with bringing
on the program manager for the runway expansion project and to facilitate other
items as necessary."
Curry's departure comes at a crucial time for the Gary
airport. The Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority plans to
interview two candidates to lead the long-planned railroad relocation and runway
extension projects later this month.
Gary Mayor Rudy Clay said the hiring of the project manager will help fill the void Curry's absence will leave at the airport. "He has to do what's best for him," Clay said. "He's a good man, very knowledgeable and Naples, Fla. will benefit here. With the new project manager coming in, it will fill the gap that Chris is leaving. I'm not worried about it because of the fact that the airport is getting ready to take off and soar like an eagle."
— Pre-2006: Deputy DirectorJackson Museum Plan Inches Forward
GARY | A Las Vegas-based group, backed by Michael
Jackson's family, is a small step closer to building a multimillion-dollar
shrine to the King of Pop and his family. The Jackson Family Heritage
Foundation Inc. has registered with the Indiana secretary of state as a
nonprofit corporation.
Jackson family patriarch Joe Jackson and Las Vegas-based developer Simon Sahouri are among those listed as group incorporators. Sahouri and Jackson joined Gary Mayor Rudy Clay at the start of June in the Steel City to announce plans for a museum-anchored megaplex dedicated to the Jacksons, expected to cost at least $300 million. The city signed a real estate agreement with Sahouri and Joe and Katherine Jackson to transfer -- under certain conditions -- more than 300 acres of city land to the group to develop. The agreement didn't call for the city to be paid any money for the land.
Gary Corporation Counsel Susan Severtson has said that,
per Indiana law, the group also must establish itself as a tax-exempt charitable
organization according to Internal Revenue Service guidelines before the
transfer can be complete. The first step in doing that is registering with
the secretary of state, as the group did last week, spokesman Todd Darroca
said. An IRS spokeswoman Monday said the group does not yet have an
approved tax-exempt application on file with the agency.
I find of particular interest in this report is the fact Mother Jackson is not
listed in the filing as being involved with the non-profit. Yet,
she was one of the signatories to the agreement executed with the city?
Does anyone really think the IRS can/will review and approve the 503(c)
charitable organization status within 60 days of whenever the application is filed? If not, what
happens to the deadline imposed by the city?
Clock Ticking on Runway Job
The Gary/Chicago
International Airport Authority has to choose from two finalists for the job of
managing its $90 million runway expansion. It also has to get moving
fast. The Federal Aviation Administration has set a deadline of the end of
2013 for completing the project. That deadline might seem distant, but
it's zooming up fast.
Put this project in
perspective. It began in January 2006, when the FAA awarded the airport
$57.8 million to relocate railroad tracks and add 2,000 feet to the northwest
end of the airport's main runway. Here's an excerpt from our Jan. 17,
2006, story on the occasion:
"Work on moving the tracks could begin late this year and could be completed by early 2008, according to airport director Paul Karas. Runway expansion work then could begin and would take about two more years."
This entire project
should have been completed by now, according to the prediction made by the man
who was airport director at the time. Yet four and a half years later, the
airport authority now is faced with hiring a project manager. In the
interim, those railroad tracks haven't budged.
[COMMENT -GDY]: What is a mere half-decade
in the cosmos of things? How long has GYY been a white elephant, sucking
up millions, if not billions, of dollars without producing
Seaton Charged with Misdemeanor for Holding 2 Driver's Licenses
CROWN POINT | The campaign for Carol Ann Seaton, the Democratic nominee for Lake County assessor, got a boost Thursday from a decision by the county prosecutor's office to charge her only with a misdemeanor violation for holding driver's licenses in both Indiana and Michigan. Prosecutor Bernard Carter chose not to charge Seaton with a felony, ensuring that she can serve as county assessor if elected in the Nov. 2 general election.
Officials of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, which launched the investigation of Seaton's multiple driver's licenses, said she could have faced being charged with perjury for failing to disclose her Michigan driver's license to Indiana authorities. A felony perjury conviction would have barred her from public office. The registration charge she faces is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by a maximum sentence of 180 days and a $1,000 fine.
The charge alleges Seaton had registered three cars in her name in Michigan, but none of them in Indiana, despite evidence she has lived and worked in Indiana for several decades.
Airport Officials Discuss End to Preference-based Bidding
Talks of selecting a company to make pavement repairs at the Gary/Chicago International Airport led to a debate on ending the bidding preference the airport gives to Gary-based contractors. Airport Authority Board Member John Evans called for the board to do away with the preferential. Essentially, the bid price for a Gary company is dropped by 10 percent to make it more competitive in the selection process.
Chicago-based Diamond Coring offered a bid of $136,250
for the pavement work. Rieth-Riley's original bid was higher than Diamond
Coring's bid but was dropped to $135,488 with the adjustment. The discount doesn't carry through to the actual cost of
service so the airport will need to pay or seek
reimbursement for the entire cost of the Rieth-Riley bid, more than a $14,000
difference from Diamond Coring's bid. Rieth-Riley has headquarters in
Goshen but has a Gary division.
"You're talking about giving people discounts because of
imaginary lines," Evans said.
The board directed its attorney Pat Lyp to provide more information on the adjustment and how it impacts the airport, especially ahead of hiring of a program manager to jump-start the long-held railroad relocation and runway extension project. Airport Director Chris Curry said the adjustment is a concern but its impact can depend on how the project is funded.
"It could depend on the money that is being spent for
the project," Curry said. "If you're using federal money or spending
federal money toward a project, that won't apply."
[COMMENT -GDY]: I am having a real problem
understasnding this one? Bids from Garyites are reduced by 10% for
acceptance purposes, but once accepted, paid at the full price? What kind
of fiscal management is this?
Fifth Third Loan Helps City Meet Payroll
GARY -- The city's money manager says Gary has been approved for an $8.5 million loan by Fifth Third Bank. Controller Celita Green said Gary was funded by the bank Thursday, two days after the City Council authorized her to seek the loan.
Green said Gary has drawn $4.5 million on that loan so far, and she said the bank has applied a 2.89 percent variable interest rate to the money it draws between now and March. She said Gary will likely draw all $8.5 million by the end of the year. By not drawing all of the money at once, Green said, Gary will save on its interest payments. "We have access to all the money in the account," Green said.
Then in March, when Gary begins making its principal
payments, Green said, Fifth Third will convert to a fixed interest rate.
That rate will be chosen using an equation based on the U.S. Treasury's
five-year yield. If it were applied today, Green said, the rate would be
just under 4 percent.
Gary's City Council capped the interest rate on the loan at 9 percent. The city is also required to create a $2 million "reserve account" as a safety net in case money isn't available to make payments. When Gary's debt is equal to $2 million, Green has said, the reserve money will be used to pay off the loan. It is set to be paid off in five years.
The controller told the council Tuesday the bank loan is
needed to help Gary recover from a nearly $15 million property tax shortfall
this year.
The council pledged casino revenue toward repayment of
the loan. Some of that money will become available in March, when Gary
pays off the debt from the renovation of its public safety building and the
construction of its baseball stadium.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Would you and I take
out a loan, without knowing what interest rate we would have to
pay? When you are in desperate straights, you do what you have to do to
keep your head above water, right? While this move may keep Gary's
head above water, temporarily, is it not also tying 8.5 million ounces of
concrete around its ankles?
U.S. Steel Issued Permit for Coke Substitute Plants
U.S. Steel has received a permit from a state environmental regulator to build carbon alloy synthesis plants at its Gary Works complex. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management issued a significant source modification permit Aug. 4 to U.S. Steel Corp. for its integrated steel mill in Gary. Receipt of the permit paves the way for construction on the modules to begin.
However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is
still considering IDEM's proposed significant permit modification, or "operating
permit" for the facility. IDEM is expecting the federal agency to respond
by Aug 19. Also, any challenges to IDEM permits can be sent to the Office
of Environmental Adjudication by Aug. 22.
The Pittsburgh-based steelmaker is seeking to build modules that would generate up to 1 million tons of a semi-crystalline carbon material that can be used for metallurgical coke in the steelmaking process. U.S. Steel is working with Carbonyx Inc. of Plano, Texas, to implement the proprietary coke substitute production process in Gary.
The four, 250,000-ton-capacity production modules are
expected to be built in phases. Construction is expected to start on the
project's first phase – two modules – on or before Sept. 30. The first two
modules are expected to supply about 20 percent of Gary Works' annual coke
requirements, Boone said earlier this year.
The project is expected to cost more than $220 million
and create about 500 temporary construction jobs, Boone said. The modules
will be housed inside buildings that would sit east of the sinter plant and in
the coal-handling area of the complex.
U.S. Steel is undertaking the development because it is
attempting to reduce its raw material costs and exposure to purchasing coke on
the spot market. Officials also believe that there will be environmental
benefits to operating the plants, allowing the company to either shut down or
keep offline certain coke batteries.
Campus Monument Honors Froebel
GARY -- When alumni from Froebel and Roosevelt high
schools come together for their Nostalgia weekend, they will be greeted with a
permanent monument honoring Froebel.
Built from concrete and bricks from the now-demolished
school, the memory of Froebel's championship games, academics and more will
forever flow on the campus lawn at 15th and Madison.
The park, which includes two covered shelters, was established and sponsored by the Froebel High School Park Committee, which includes alumni from all classes. The monument was built by the Local Bricklayers Union 4 and paid for by the Froebel Class of 1962.
"The hedges and shrubbery you see along the walkway to
the monument and the shrubbery surrounding the monument were financed by Froebel
Class of 1962 as well," state Rep. Vernon G. Smith, chairman of the weekend
events and a member of the class of 1962, said.br
The walkway to the monument includes a brick path
starting at the monument where Smith said those who contribute $200 will get a
brick. Bricks are already paved in the path with engravings from sponsors,
supporters and Froebel alumni.
[COMMENT -GDY]: My late father was a Froebel
grad, Class of 1931.
Facade Needs Repair after Falling onto Broadway
GARY -- Mayor Rudy Clay says a fallen piece of facade
from a Broadway building should be fixed in the next few days, more than a week after it fell onto a downtown
sidewalk. "We were blessed because nobody got hurt," Clay said.
The sidewalk around the facade in the 600 block of
Broadway is closed, cordoned off with orange barrels and caution tape. The
facade was among several fake fronts installed last year to cover up Broadway's
crumbling buildings.
Clay convinced area businesses to put them up for free
under his "Adopt-A-Facade program," which was meant to be a first step toward
eliminating the blight defining much of Gary's downtown corridor. It also
gave local contractors a chance to claim a tax credit for doing pro bono work
for the city. Participating businesses signed a hold-harmless agreement,
Clay said Monday. That means Gary wouldn't have been held responsible if a
passer-by had been hurt by the facade when it fell.
The mayor said he thought the facade was installed by
1st American Construction, and he said the city couldn't convince the company to
return and put it back up. Roy Delrio of 1st American said the Gary-based
company "put a couple" of facades up on Broadway, and he said employees recently
learned one had fallen. Delrio said the company hasn't returned to
reinstall the fallen facade because the building it was
attached to appears to be falling down. "It's kind of dangerous,"
Delrio said.
Clay said an employee of Gary's redevelopment department
will soon reinstall the facade. He said it will be cut into three pieces
and supported by wooden 2x4s to keep it from falling again. "The wall was
too heavy for the nails that were put into it," Clay said.
Gary city workers weren't
available to reinstall the facade Monday because they had been placed on
furlough. "It will go back up ASAP," Clay said.
-GDY]: Well, this story sure presents plenty for comment!
Where to begin? When you put lipstick on a pig, you still have a pig ...
. The emporer wore no clothes ... . The building being covered
up is not capable of supporting its fake front. No one is available
to reclothe the now naked lady because city employees are off on furlough.
It almost reads like a (tragic) comedy.
EEOC Tackles Case of Hiring Discrimination
— Manager at Dots told applicant they 'don't hire white people'
A Merrillville clothing store wouldn't hire a woman
because she was white, according to a federal lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission. Misti Hatchett had applied for a job at
the store at 1662 E. 80th Ave., but a manager told her the store doesn't hire
white people, Nancy Edmonds, attorney for the EEOC, said.
The woman filed a complaint with the EEOC, which then
investigated the matter. "The EEOC found reasonable cause that Dots had
engaged in discrimination," she said.
The EEOC tried to reach an agreement with Dots through
mediation, she said, but no answer was reached. That's when the EEOC
decided to file a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Hammond.
have to love this one? "No whites need apply!" Are we harking back
to the early 20th century here? The one good thing is, this story
reflects the reality that NWI caucasians are a minority entitled to equal
protection under the laws of the United States!
High-tech Firms May Get Gary Tax Break
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel
[8 Aug 2010]
GARY -- Gary could become the first Hoosier city to
offer a tax exemption to high-tech businesses in an attempt to lure their
high-paying jobs to Indiana. Legislation before the City Council would
give it the power to exempt qualified businesses from personal property taxes if
they locate in the Steel City. The Indiana General Assembly authorized the
optional exemption in 2009.
Meanwhile, Chicago-based Guthrie Adams, owner of Acacia
Group and a partner in DuSable Communications International, has made a
preliminary proposal to build a three-story, 200,000-square-foot data center at
1301 Broadway. Adams declined to comment on the specifics of his plan,
saying they're premature. However, it would likely qualify for the
exemption under the terms of Senate Enrolled Act 448. "Just to be very,
very clear, as far as I can see at this point, the approval or disapproval of
the (SEA) 448 exemption is the go, no-go decision," Adams said.
The council's ordinance would not give an automatic
exemption to Adams. Instead, it would create a process for him and owners
of similar businesses to apply for an exemption. It would work much like
an application for tax abatement. "Each case would be separate," council
member Kyle Allen, D-at large, said.
An eligible business, according to the state law, would
be one that's engaged in computing, networking or data storage, is located in
Indiana, invests at least $10 million in the state after June 30, 2009, and pays
an average wage of at least 125 percent of the average wage of the county in
which it's located. The exemption would apply to personal property owned
by the business, such as computer servers, networking equipment and storage
Sen. Ed Charbonneau, R-Valparaiso, authored the state
law. He said the cost of personal property taxes on that equipment is
especially high, creating an extra burden for high-tech business. "Plus,
every two to three years, it becomes obsolete and they've got to reinvest,"
Charbonneau said.
Meanwhile, neighboring Illinois doesn't tax personal
property. That's why Charbonneau wanted to give local governments the
option to exempt high-tech businesses from the tax. "It isn't a matter of
giving up something," Charbonneau said. "We weren't getting them.
Pure and simple. They weren't coming to Indiana."
However Donald Koliboski, director of economic
development for the Northwest Indiana Forum, said Gary is poised particularly
well to take advantage of overburdened infrastructure in Chicago. Much of
what high-tech companies need is already in place. "Gary has a lot of
fiber infrastructure," Koliboski said.
The tax exemption legislation has been assigned to the
council's finance committee, which will consider it at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at City
-GDY]: Instead of being known as the "Steel City," could Gary be
known in the future as the "Geek City?" Hey, if it helps to revitalize the
area, I am all for it! This plan does have potential, and the definite
opportunity it presents needs to be aggressively pursued, instead of squandered
or wasted.
To Save Money Gary Needs to Pare Down in Size
For quite a while I've wondered about the wasted money
pouring through Gary and have thought: Open your mind to a new concept,
Gary. Stop blowing your money! Your liabilities proliferate, with
too many streets, sewers, parks, vacant lots, police substations, fire stations,
salaries, bus routes and schools.
Gary's underutilized services and businesses have a
proximity issue. Abandoned, vacant and foreclosed homes have fostered
crime in apathetic neighborhoods laden with unwatched, dilapidated buildings.
There are approximately 38,000 households in Gary.
These are dispersed among many of the city's vacant lots and buildings, yet Gary
has many beautiful homes left unoccupied. Fix them. Displace
residents to new, updated, or newly repaired homes in the nucleus of the city at
the cost of their current mortgage. I believe people living in the
outskirts or in deteriorating homes would move into such homes. Gary then
could remove all the newly vacated structures and close or remove those roads
leading to nowhere and services under their jurisdiction.
Offer reconstruction assistance to homeowners within the
nucleus. Under such a proposition, how would crime fare? The people
in reconditioned homes in fully occupied neighborhoods could easily expose all
facets of crime. Residents with pride would apply peer pressure,
motivating others to improve their standards. The city wouldn't have to
pay to support 50.23 square miles of corroding city, and people would see real
value for their tax dollars.
Then Gary would become attractive to businesses and
residential development, because it would have eliminated its proximity issue
with a low-crime, close-knit community and fully utilized bus routes.
Expensive? Yes. I'd invest in such a
Debbie Fizer-Griffith
[COMMENT -GDY]: Ms. Fizer-Griffith raises
some interesting, and valid points, I have to admit. I suspect that, not
taking into consideration condition, there is far too much housing stock in
Gary needed to support the current, ever declining, population? At the
same time, the prospect of having officially declared "No Man's Land"
areas within Gary is foreboding. As dangerous as Gary is
now, imagine what one's fate would be if they mistakenly crossed into this
abandoned turf!
Council Considers What to Do with Cash
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel
[4 Aug 2010]
GARY -- The
City Council is considering whether to pledge millions in soon-to-be available
casino dollars toward an $8.5 million bank loan. An ordinance authorizing
the city to secure the loan was introduced to the council Tuesday.
According to a draft, Gary would also create a "reserve account" to make sure it
doesn't default on its payments.
Celita Green has said the loan is needed after the Indiana auditor's office
inadvertently sent $8 million to Gary City Hall this winter, where it was
spent. To make up for the error, $8 million was subtracted from Gary's tax
distribution in June, a hit Green said the city couldn't afford. Gary was
already struggling to survive this year under the confines of Indiana's new
property tax caps, which have been lifted partially but still drain its budget,
and low tax collection rates.
according to a draft of the loan legislation, Gary will pay off $17.3 million in
debt from the renovation of the public safety building and construction of its
baseball stadium in March using casino money. Another $2.3 million in
principal is still due. Two more bonds totaling $6.6 million, including
money for Gary's Sears Building Project, will be paid off in August 2012,
according to the legislation. Another $3.1 million in principal is still
owed on that debt, which also ties up casino funds.
The ordinance
being considered by the council would let Green and Mayor Rudy Clay seek an $8.5
million loan to pay bills through the rest of the year, promising to pay the
loan back over five years with casino money. The loan would be awarded to
the bank offering the lowest net interest cost to Gary, and the rate of interest
couldn't exceed 9%. Gary would also be required to keep $2 million in a
"reserve account" to use in case it doesn't have enough money to make a payment
on the loan. If money is taken from that account, Gary would be required
to immediately replenish it.
The council
will publicly consider the loan ordinance during a meeting of its finance
committee at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall.
of robbing Peter to pay Paul. In fact, this is worse. At least when
robbing Peter one is taking real money from
someone/somewhere. This is a shell game. What Gary is doing is
spending money it does not even have yet, and may never receive!
Race and Racism in the Midwest
The existence of Gary, Indiana, with its 84% black population, is a psychological barrier to the integration of northwest Indiana into the Chicago economic region: too many whites there feel that such economic integration would imply an embrace of Gary.
It's a fact that the departure of heavy industry from the Midwest has created an archipelago of black inner city ghettos in old manufacturing towns from Iowa to Ohio, impoverished by populations whose ancestors came north to work in the factories of the day, but who were stranded when those factories went away. The Midwest's true disaster areas -- Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, Benton Harbor, East St. Louis -- are all majority black. The same decline, of course, has hurt millions of white workers, too, but these black ghettos are particularly poor and isolated. Globalization simply has passed them by.
Gary Police Out of Gas
GARY -- The Police Department's fleet of new flex fuel
squad cars is supposed to help the region's air quality. But that only
happens when they burn the cleaner E-85 fuel.
Less than half of the new squads are on the road.
More are being prepared for service every week. Still, ethanol fuel isn't
available. And no one can say for sure when the city will have it.
The city has not advertised for bids to buy a tank, pump
and bulk fuel, and can't until the state provides them with the "contract form"
approved by all the governmental agencies involved. Christopher Meyers,
Gary's director of planning, said he couldn't guess when that process will
begin, or when the use of the cleaner fuel will start. Until then, the new
cars will use regular unleaded gasoline, Meyer said.
That could create problems for the city as the grant's
overseer starts monitoring the various grant recipients. "The expectation
is they will use ethanol from the time the units arrive and are put into
service. The $10 million federal grant obtained by the Indiana Department
of Transportation to buy vehicles for cities across the state will be reviewed
locally by NIRPC to determine if Gary and other Northwest Indiana municipalities
are abiding by the grant guidelines. "The general requirement in receiving
the equipment is to use the ethanol in the equipment. Most communities are
already using the E-85," Evers said, adding, "Gary is the exception."
very limited experience with federal grants is
that a finding of "non-compliance" results in having to pay the money
back. Is Gary setting itself up to incur yet another debt that it will not
be able to pay, by running these cop cars on plain ol' unleaded
Genesis Center Garage Shut Down
GARY -- The Genesis Center's downtown parking garage is
closed until further notice. John Key of Key West Enterprises, the private
firm managing the convention center, called the closure "temporary." He
said Friday he was waiting for a professional to determine if the garage is
structurally sound. "The reason we're doing it is we desire for our
patrons to be safe," Key said.
The garage's ground-floor gates were lowered Friday, and
signs hanging near the entrances let drivers know about the closure. Key
told the Genesis Center's board of managers Wednesday the garage could be an
"imminent threat" because of crumbling he discovered on the top floor. "I
don't think any of us would stand under it," Key said. However, the
decision to shut it down wasn't made until Thursday afternoon.
The Genesis Center charges drivers $3 to park in the
garage, Key said. On days when Lake County court is in session next door,
he said, it sees an average of 100 cars.
Another garage nearby, connected to the former Sheraton
Hotel, has been closed for nearly 12 years.
[COMMENT -GDY]: While Nero fiddles, Rome
burns. First the parking garage, next the center itself shall
physically collapse. Both have already economically collapsed. Ah,
but there is money in the the infrasturcture rehab fund to make the necessary
repairs. Oh wait, I forgot, that money was used already, to make the city
payroll this month!
Maybe Gary shall have a museuem complex downtown after all? They have all the necessary artifacts in place to open the Museum of Urban Decay! Its premiere exhibits could be the Genesis Center Garage, The Sheraton Hotel, City Methodist Church and Memorial Auditorium.
Gary's Oldest Building Seen Better Days
GARY -- Members of the city's historical society spent part of their week pulling furniture and files from Gary's oldest building, where the ceiling has collapsed, the floor is buckling and mold has begun to grow. Dolly Millender, founder and CEO of the Gary Historical and Cultural Society, said she's still trying to work with the city to find money to restore the Gary Land Co. building.
Used as a museum, it stands on the north side of East 4th Avenue across the street from City Hall. Members of the community helped fix up the building and restore its roof in 2006. "It's on the national register," Millender said.
However, the building is generally only open during the
warmer months of the year, Millender said, and the damage was discovered when
she opened the doors in May. "We were appalled," Millender said.
Several exhibits were immediately removed and taken to
the Calumet Regional Archives at Indiana University Northwest. Volunteers
helped move other items Friday, though, including glass cabinets and other
pieces of furniture.
Naomi Millender, director of development and programs
for the historical society, said she had trouble opening some doors in the
building because of the buckled floor. "The basement is really bad," Naomi
Millender said.
The historic Gary Land Co. building sits on city-owned
property, and building commissioner Benjamin Robinson has visited. He said
he hopes volunteers will help fix it up. "I couldn't say what's going to
take place there," Robinson said.
[COMMENT -GDY]: For those not aware, the
Gary Land Co. building was the first structure put up in Gary. It was
constructed by an appendage of U.S. Steel to sell land and rent housing.
NW Indiana Development Activity Strong
U.S. Steel
United States Steel Corp. has plans for a massive
investment in Gary Ind., where the steel giant hopes to develop four carbon
alloy synthesis plants that will allow for environmentally safer production of
traditional coke in the steelmaking process. The new alloy, Cokonyx, will
act as a substitute for 20 percent of the firm’s coke requirements. The
methods of production of Cokonyx are designed to significantly cut down on
harmful emissions that take place in the traditional production of coke.
By increasing the production of Cokonyx, U.S. Steel can
shut down a portion of its coke manufacturing, reducing outputs of 3,000 tons of
carbon monoxide and 907 tons of nitrogen oxides annually.
The price tag for the first phase of development is $220
million. The project is projected to create hundreds of temporary
construction jobs. It still must meet approval from the Indiana Department
of Environmental Management. Company spokesperson Courtney Boone says that
phase one of the project would take 24-30 months to complete. After it is
complete, the facility would be subject to testing before an additional two
phases would be approved.
"The $220 million new coke project at U.S. Steel bodes well for the region," says Don Babcock, director of economic development at NIPSCO. "It shows a long-term commitment to NW Indiana. This new technology can help assure the viability of the company (U.S. Steel) and meet high quality emission standards."
Allen, Co-defendant Lose Appeal; Must Report to Prison
One of Dozier Allen Jr.'s co-defendants had to report to
jail Tuesday after she and the former Calumet Township trustee lost an appeal to
stay out of jail, according to court records.
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against
Wanda Joshua, 61, and Allen, saying that they still had to report to prison
despite their pending appeals against convictions for taking more than $142,000
from the public office. The court did not discuss its reasoning in the
ruling, which was filed in the U.S. District Court in Hammond.
The ruling means Allen, 79, must still report to prison Aug. 27 for his 18-month sentence.
Civil Rights Hall May Get Home at Last
The National Civil Rights Institute and Hall of Fame,
pet project of former Gary mayor Richard Hatcher, finally may have found a home
after three decades of searching. The Gary Community School Corp. plans on
giving the former Banneker School property, located at 1912 W. 23rd Ave., to the
nonprofit in exchange for $50,000 in monetary and in-kind donations to the
school district. Robert L. Lewis and Associates will be handling
negotiations for the district.
The in-kind donations will likely include college
scholarships for Gary students, internships, student programming, and other
opportunities, board member Marion Williams said.
Board president Kenneth Stalling said the contract will
stipulate certain requirements, such as work must begin on the property by 18 to
24 months.
The Banneker building was listed at $581,420, when the district put it up for sale last month. In the museum's bid, institute officials discussed using state-of-the-art technology in exhibitions to educate visitors on "the Movement," a research library and an Imax movie theater.
The aim of the museum will be to promote and sustain the
public's awareness of the civil rights movement.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Yet another "pipe dream" in
the works? An Imax theatre in Gary, give me a break! The school
board drove a hard bargain in this deal, giving away a $500 Thousand building
for $50K in in-kind donations!
Gary City Council OKs $1M Loan for Payroll
GARY -- City Hall will make payroll Friday using a $1
million loan from one of its redevelopment funds. The City Council voted
5-0 during a special meeting Tuesday to borrow the money from Gary's
consolidated area tax increment finance fund.
Council members Marilyn Krusas, D-1st District, Kimberly
Robinson, D-5th, and Kyle Allen and Ragen Hatcher, both D-at large, were absent
during the vote.
Controller Celita Green said the city had $1.37 million
available, without the loan, to meet $2.4 million in payroll expenses Friday.
The actual payroll amounts to $1.4 million, Green
said. But the city also needs $500,000 to pay insurance premiums and
another $500,000 to make its $1.5 million quarterly payment to the Public
Employees Retirement Fund.
If the council hadn't voted to approve the loan, Green
said it would have been "extremely difficult" to make payroll. As it is,
she still needs to find $30,000 to meet all payroll expenses, which she said
she'll be able to do.
The $1 million loaned from the TIF fund to the general
fund will need to be paid back by December, according to the ordinance, or June
at the latest. Money in TIF districts is meant to be used for
redevelopment, but Green and State Board of Accounts officials have said the
loan is legal as long as it is repaid in time.
Green has been trying to land an $8 million bank loan to
help the city meet its financial obligations for the rest of 2010. She
said that loan should be secured by the end of August. Once that happens,
she told the council's finance committee, the Indiana Bond Bank should release
another $11 million in tax anticipation warrant cash.
"Do you think that will get us through the end of the
year?" Council member Mary Brown, D-3rd, asked. "If we are very careful
with our spending," Green said.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Let me see if I have this
right? I need to make a $2.4 Million payroll, so I borrow a million?
I agree to pay it back in December of this year, or
then again maybe I'll pay it back in June of next year. To pay it
back I intend to take out an $8 Million loan. That loan I will repay
from receipt of tax anticipation funds. Now,
if the actual tax receipts do not equal the anticipated amounts; oh well, we will worry about that
later! It sounds to me like the city finance folk need to be writing to
Clark Howard on how to address their problem?
Bracing for the Worst
GARY | An updated Little Calumet River closing structure
on 35th Avenue just east of Chase Street is ready to go up during a flood
emergency, but it still remains unclear exactly who will be responsible for
setting it up.
Officials from the Little Calumet River Basin
Development Commission, Indiana Department of Transportation, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and the city of Gary were all on hand as a team from Hasse
Construction assembled the floodgate in a Tuesday morning demonstration. A
team of five men assembled the wall in a little more than an hour, using only
basic hand tools and a cordless drill.
While the demonstration had five people assisting,
Navarro said in an actual emergency, more might be needed. "The more you
have the quicker it will go up," he said.
The city of Gary currently has no specific point person
responsible for assembling the wall during a flood emergency. Little Cal
Commission Director Dan Repay said it is the city's responsibility to put the
wall up when needed, though assistance from INDOT will be available.
"Without this, all of this area would flood," Repay
said, pointing to a residential area along 35th Avenue east of Chase Street.
The floodgate structure will be stored at a nearby Gary
Fire Department training facility, Martin Navarro, a project supervisor with
INDOT said.
wall should work well, if only we can find someone to put it up when
needed. The probablilty of that is nil, since that "someone" must be
City of Gary employees. "For Want of a Nail ...
Gary Advised to Stop Wasting Human Capital
GARY | The city has to stop wasting its human capital if it is to thrive, Gary Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Chuck Hughes told a crowd at a meeting Monday. "We're not gang-bangers shooting each other but we're killing the spirit of each other," he said. Hughes said the city has to show a collective togetherness and show general affection for one another.
A panel addressing ways the city can more effectively
meet the needs of the underserved and underrepresented in the community with
effective programs and partnerships was moderated by Black Entertainment
Television host and producer Jeff Johnson. It included Gary Mayor Rudy
Clay, Gary Councilwoman Carolyn Rogers and Ivy Tech Community College Northwest
Chancellor J. Guadalupe Valtierra in addition to Hughes.
Clay said it was important, first of all, to believe the
city can be made better. "If you do not believe that we can make it a
better city than of course we can't make it a better city," he said. "Not
only do I think it can be a better city, it's going to be a better city.
"We're in the red zone now; we're not in the end zone yet. I think if we
work together we will get there."
[COMMENT -GDY]: But yet another example of
Rudy talking out of both sides of his mouth!
Interesting Flashback
1960 — Gary
Municipal Airport will begin an aggressive marketing campaign to ensure the
survival of its Gary-to-Detroit flights..
[COMMENT -GDY]: How did that "campaign" work
Ball Now in Your Court, Rudy
Listen up, Rudy. We've got to talk.
I spent the last week writing about your city, your
beloved Gary. Some of what was said wasn't very kind. People from
all over NWI were doing the talking. Many of them Garyites. All are
concerned about the future of the city. Same goes for me.
I know you may be Gary's greatest fan, Rudy, but you've got to take off the cheerleading outfit for a moment and look around. There aren't many folks left in the stands, and the teams are about to leave the field. It's nice to look at Gary through rose-colored glasses. Nice, but not realistic. Little gets accomplished when the tinted glass obscures the problems.
A Jackson family museum would be nice, but it isn't
going to save Gary any more than Michael did when he was still alive.
Every year or so, Rudy, you trot out some grand plan that turns out to be a
white elephant. It's getting to feel like this is all about
politics. One of the first ones was to revitalize Broadway and Washington
Street from City Hall south for several blocks. Housing, retail shops and
whatnot were all part of the plans. But, alas, nothing. And if I had
a nickel for every plan I've heard for developing the area around Indiana
University Northwest, I'd be a rich man.
Now we have the talk about a casino at the intersection
of Interstates 94 and 65 or maybe even adjacent to the museum. Build it
and they will come is the thinking. Yeah, just like the Genesis Center,
the U.S. Steel Yard, the Sheraton Hotel and the casinos at Buffington Harbor
have been the city's salvation.
Now you, Rudy, are caught in the middle of a Jackson
family feud that runs from here to Las Vegas. Not long ago a fellow who
owned land over by the Village Shopping Center was all set to build a Jackson
museum. You told the guy to take a hike, mayor. You wanted the thing
built downtown. Less than six months later, we're looking at the property
at Gilroy Stadium, just north of Indiana University Northwest (and just east of the Village Shopping Center -GDY) for
the Jackson thing. Enough with the dog and pony shows!
You and I go back a long way, Rudy. I want Gary to
be a great city again, too, Rudy. But you're going about it from the wrong
Let's talk about this crime thing. Gary is known
across the country as the nation's murder capital. That's heavy.
That's tough to fight through even when things get better. While there
have been fewer murders of late, there have been 28 homicides in Gary this
year. Not good. I know, Rudy, you've said those murders pretty much
involve gang and drug activity or a scorned wife out to get her husband's
lover. In other words, you and I have nothing to fear. And just the
other day you told me, Rudy, that there hasn't been a homicide in or around a
Gary public school in the last three years. I guess what you are saying,
Rudy, is that if you come to Gary, you might want to hang out around one of the
Then you said, "The perception of crime in Gary is not
the reality." If that's the case, Rudy, why is it that you still have a
driver/body guard to accompany you around town? I know the crime rate is
down, but it only makes you look silly to say Gary is a safe city. Just
say it is getting safer, which it is.
Let's go back to this thing about cleaning up the city,
Rudy. Remember back in April of twenty-aught-six when you took over and
proclaimed that your first priority would be to clean up Gary? Let me tell
you, Rudy, I was saying amens from here to Sunday. You even named a
cleanup czar. But nine months later you moved the czar to a new job.
Despite your best intentions, Rudy, the city is still a mess. It kind of looks
like nobody cares. Kind of like a dirty, wet puppy.
The heck of it all, Rudy, is that I know you are
passionate about Gary. Unfortunately for all, the city doesn't show it.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Mr. James echoes my remarks
from over the years; "Rudy is clearly able to talk the talk, and just as
clearly not able to walk the walk!" Gary needs help, and it
needs it now! Rudy cannot save Gary, let alone do it alone. He does
not have either the acumen needed to do so, or the requisite political
clout. I fully realize it is difficult to have pride in a "hell
hole," but the fact is, the residents of Gary have to become engaged
in the saving of their city. If they do not, why should anyone else jump
to take up the task? Friends, we have inability in the "Steel City"
to see or solve problems!" I say problems. That starts with a "P,"
and stands for politicos!
Moving Money to Meet Payroll
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Jon Seidel
[21 July 2010]
The City Council is considering an ordinance that would
approve a $1 million emergency loan from
Money in tax increment finance, or TIF, funds is meant to
finance or improve public infrastructure. Controller Celita Green has said
the money will still be available for that purpose once it's paid back.
Council members will consider the TIF loan at their finance
committee meeting, set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Is this not a classic sign
of an entity being on the verge of bankruptcy; robbing Peter to pay Paul?
This is nothing more than a short gap measure to meet the July payroll.
What is the plan for August and beyond? And of course, Gary
infrastructure is in such great shape that money for this purpose does not
represent a critical, immediate need! The key phrase in the the City
Controller's comment is "once it's paid back." From what
fund shall money be moved to pay back the TIF loan one
Rages on How to Start Cleaning Up
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Rich James
[20 Jul 2010]
When Mayor Rudy Clay took over the city in April 2006, he
made one thing perfectly clear -- he was going to clean up
A year after Clay took over, he hired former Lake County
Jail warden Caren Jones to be his "cleanup czar." "We will not tolerate a
dirty city," Jones said. At the same time, code enforcement director
Cassandra Carter said the city no longer would give a 10-day grace period to
people whose homes were not up to code. "We're taking them straight to
court," Carter said.
After Jones had headed the cleanup effort for nine months,
Clay named her parks superintendent in February 2008. While she kept the
"cleanup czar" moniker, the parks job occupies virtually all of her time.
Clay was brief recently when asked about his vow of four
years ago to clean up the city. "We are doing it two ways," the mayor
said. "We now have 50 volunteers at
Despite Clay's best intentions, the city remains littered
with trash, old tires, dilapidated furniture, junk cars and vacant buildings in
ruins. And cleanup efforts today are spotty at best.
Jones said the city needs a comprehensive media campaign
involving billboards and schoolchildren and a campaign to stop littering.
She suggested a theme of, "No way, no how, no litter.
Once the city launches an anti-litter and cleanup program,
Jones said code enforcement is vital. "We need enforcement so people are
held accountable for the little things that eat away at the root of the tree
that causes it to rot and fall," Jones said.
State Rep. Charlie Brown, D-Gary, said a clean city and
sense of security are the two priorities for residents. "Cleaning up an
area will drive crime out," Brown said. While Brown said the city is
filthy, he said the residents must shoulder much of the
blame. Brown said even if the city didn't have financial problems,
citizens have to be involved. "Everyone has come to relying on government
rather than doing their fair share," Brown said. "People have to
understand you can't just rely on government."
Area lawyer Calvin Bellamy, the former chairman of Bank
Calumet, is critical of the city's faith-based communities. "I think the
faith community is a little bit of a problem. They have their fiefdoms and
they don't seem to think beyond that," Bellamy said.
Roy Pratt is dean of the Gary City Council and a frequent
critic of those in charge of cleaning the city. Pratt said, "Everybody
knows the city looks horrible. It looks like a bomb hit it." Pratt said
the problem today is two-fold and that all the blame can't be placed on
Small Business Revolution Needed in
From nwiTimes.com
[19 July 2010]
An Urban Entrepreneurial Educational Revolution of mind,
body and soul is needed -- a gradual sustained integrated process that can be
measured. This revolution should be fueled by small businesses, which fuel
economies and our nation. They provide jobs, goods and services that
impact our quality of life.
Gary is
economically challenged -- an understatement for sure. However, its
potential is vast. Gary governmental officials and grassroots activists
can ignite this kind of revolution by motivating proactive community residents
and organizations to pool their financial and intellectual capital for the
purpose of individual and mutual benefit. A global
revolution of change is the kind that catapulted Rwanda, a country decimated by
genocide in the 1990's, to 67th on the list of countries that made the latest
Ease of Doing Business ranking from the World Bank. As stated in the June
2010 issue of the Harvard Review, this study ranked Rwanda on one sub index as
11th worldwide in the ease of opening a new business. A more aggressive exploration of entrepreneurship can
possibly spark a revolutionary interest and involvement in the community
economic development of Gary. — Jihad T. Muhammad
President/CEO, Urban Development Consultants, LLC, Gary
[COMMENT -GDY]: An interesting
perspective. Perhaps comparing Gary's plight to that of a third world
country is not that far off
Excerpts —
In terms of development, Gary always seems to be
swinging for the fences, overlooking the realization that a series of singles
can lead to runs as well.
Gary today is a poster child for the rust belt.
The city's population has plummeted from a high of
178,320 in 1960 to a 2008 estimate of 95,920.
"Gary has got to cease the them-versus-us
mentality. We sometimes play the victim and that gives off an aura of
weakness." Those outside the city need to appreciate that, "A lot of the
offers to help are condescending and patronizing. We give talk to Gary
being important, but we don't always walk the walk."
There is an attitude, particularly in Porter County, that if Gary fails, someone can build a wall and keep the people from coming to Porter County and elsewhere. "Building a wall is not going to work. We need to rebuild the middle class over there."
Clay should be saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have asked the three former mayors to form a committee to see what we can do to turn Gary around." Clay responded, "I think it is a good suggestion. It cannot hurt anything. I think I am going to try and initiate that."
Citizen Commentary
Blacks contributed to the independence of the 13 colonies during the American Revolution, but the Declaration of Independence meant nothing for them. America reneged on the words "all men are created equal" by continuing slavery after the revolution. Any black man or woman who celebrates Independence Day is a pathetic fool.
The Independence Day parade in Gary is indicative of the
ignorance and stupidity among black people. Why would black people
celebrate a concocted holiday that represents a continuation of racism and
mental enslavement of black people despite our contributions to the American
Revolution? Enslaved blacks fought against the British because they
believed in the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution.
—- Dwight Taylor
MJ Museum Development Needs More Time
GARY -- The city now has two extra months before it may
hand five parcels of land over to a developer who wants to build a tribute to
the family of the late pop star Michael Jackson in Glen Park. Gary's Board
of Public Works and Safety approved the time extension Wednesday. It
offers 60 additional days until the close of escrow on the land transfer from
the city to the Jackson Family Foundation.
Las Vegas promoter Simon Sahouri's signature appears on
the document, listing him as president of the foundation and the Jackson
Development and Marketing Corp. Absent were signatures from Joseph and
Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's parents, who signed the original agreement
approved June 2 by the Board of Works.
Sahouri, who signed it July 5, said he was authorized to approve the new document on behalf of the two entities. A spokeswoman for Katherine Jackson confirmed the family matriarch's participation in the project. It would be built on land where South Gleason Golf Course and Gilroy Stadium are now found.
Though the Jacksons claim in their deal at City Hall to
have the rights to use the name and image of Michael Jackson, an attorney for
the singer's estate said it has that right exclusively. He said the estate
hasn't given its blessing to the Gary project. Randy Jackson, Michael
Jackson's brother, publicly questioned the legitimacy of the Jackson Family
Foundation last month.
Sahouri said his goal of breaking ground on the project
in 2011 remains. "When you do a project like this you want to make sure
everything's in place," Sahouri said.
The original deal created a 30-day window for close of
escrow on the land transfer. That deadline passed earlier this month, but
the agreement also allowed for extra time if agreed to by all parties.
Gary attorneys have said they are waiting until the Jackson Family Foundation
establishes itself as a not-for-profit entity with the state and the Internal
Revenue Service to transfer the land.
[COMMENT -GDY]: A delay? Shocking,
not! After all, Rudy and Gary government are
Roosevelt Fails in State
Grant Bid
Compiled From a Post-Trib Report by Christin Nance Lazerus
[14 Jul 2010]
GARY -- Roosevelt Career and Technical Academy did not receive a $6 million school improvement grant from the state Department of Education. This was the second round of funding for the schools across the state. Roosevelt is one of 22 schools statewide that are in the fourth year of academic probation under the state's public accountability law.
Superintendent Myrtle Campbell said the result was
disappointing, but the district plans to reapply for funds in the fall.
"By no means does this result put off our plans to transform Roosevelt,"
Campbell said.
"The state is looking for bold, robust initiatives to hold teachers accountable for student performance." Roosevelt is embracing the transformational model, which requires the replacement of the administration and focuses on improving teacher effectiveness. Roosevelt's grant application outlined a teacher accountability program, which awards money for improvements in student grades and for lowering disciplinary offenses.
Campbell said the state had concerns that the
accountability section wasn't strong enough. Since the district was turned
down for the grant, Campbell said that the district will look at reappropriating
some funds -- possibly stimulus dollars -- to go toward teacher development and
Board member Barbara Leek said concern about Roosevelt
will produce results in the upcoming school year. "We are equally
determined to be where we need to be next spring when the state Department of
Education says you have made documented progress," Leek said. "That is our
goal and we intend to meet our goal." In 2009, the school graduated only
44.4 percent of its students within four years, compared to 81.5 percent
-GDY]: Either Indianapolis cares not what happens in NWI in terms
of educational reform, or it does not trust the Gary School Board to be able to
do what is needed? It matters not which, as in either case Gary and
the students lose.
USS Loses 2 Blast Furnaces at Gary Works
The U.S. Steel Gary Works had an accident last week
which has resulted in the idling of two of the companies four operating furnaces
at the facility. According to U.S. Steel spokesperson Erin DiPietro, an
accident occurred on the "high line" – the rail line upon which raw materials
are transported to the blast furnaces via a transfer car. At 12:30 AM last
Wednesday a steel girder supporting a bridge collapsed sending a transfer car
and its load to the ground 25 feet below. One worker has been hospitalized
with fractures.
According to an article in today’s Post-Tribune blast furnaces 4 and 8 have been shut down since the accident. The number 4 furnace production capacity daily rate is 4,200 short tons per day while the Number 8 furnace is 3,300 tons per day. At peak production the potential loss is approximately 7,500 tons per day or around 52,500 tons since last Wednesday.
The Post-Tribune article
quotes a union representative, "On the No. 4 furnace, they did a pretty
extensive inspection with three different engineering firms. I've never
seen anything like this before. The more they looked, the more problems
they found. The problems they found, they had to correct them before the
transfer cars could run on that road," he said. "It's a shame it takes
someone almost losing their life for the company to say, 'We're making these
repairs,' especially when they say safety is a core value."
OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) is investigating the accident. It is not known how long that investigation will continue.
Gary: Groundswell of Residents Create Opportunities, Quality of Life from Inside Out
After eight years managing other people's property, Samantha Banks decided it was time she had some property of her own, to create an income stream. "But I didn't have very good credit," says Banks, who at the time lived in Chicago. Banks saw Gary as the perfect place to invest time and sweat equity, so she bought a house near Indiana University Northwest that needed a lot of work. Her husband, Jerry Banks, a contractor, fixed up the house, and the couple moved in. "We chose Gary because it isn't too far from Chicago, and Gary is an opportunity for a lot of people to own their home," says Banks, whose next step was to start buying other homes to fix up and rent out.
She turned to Roger Hayward, founder of Gary's Time, a company that helps arrange short-term loans for people with less-than-perfect credit. "We fixed (our secondary house) up and have people living in it," Banks says. "I have one more payment for our primary home, and I'll be done in August, and my secondary home I'll be done paying for in January."
Banks and Hayward are part of a growing group of people
who are either from Gary or who have adopted the city as a place to live and
work, where they see great potential for investing, attaining a good quality of
life. They also see untapped possibilities to create art and a cultural
scene unique to the region.
When Hayward first saw an abandoned and burned-out building on Vermont Street in Gary, he describes his heart as breaking. A real estate developer who had moved his family from Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley, Hayward had been buying bankrupt properties in Gary online with a group of investors. "I wondered what type of property you could buy for a thousand dollars," Hayward says. "It's just walls and the mechanics of it, like windows. "When they didn't sell, I thought, what am I going to say to my investors. And then I thought, how about becoming the banker for these homes." So he started offering short-term loans to prospective buyers.
"I never met more energizing people than those that I've helped getting into homes over the last year and a half," Hayward says. "I've been on the streets starting at 13, so I can relate to these people. You can't enable people; they have to take the initiative, too. It's a matter of folks knowing what they can and can't do, and these people are willing to put the sweat equity into it."
But it was the house on Vermont that changed the idea of
doing business into a personal mission. "I had a sf-nosed cry," Hayward
says. "And then I realized that I had been asking God for a purpose, and
this was it."
Hayward's purpose? To help bring Gary back,
through affordable housing. Creating Gary's Time, he put the battered
house on his website, www.garystime.com, and he started organizing groups
such as the West Side High School Cougars football team, which is working on
fixing up some of the homes.
[COMMENT -GDY]: Finally, something positive
coming out of Gary. One has to wonder what would motivate anyone to move
from PA to da' Region? Roger contacted me
before the move, telling me of his plans. I was able to offer some advice
and coments; which I have no idea proved to be useful to him in any way.
My point is, here is someone who is making a difference, and helping others make
a difference. Interesting that it is private individuals having a modicum
of success in doing so, not Rudy or the government. I say, "More power to
them!" They deserve all the support/help they can
Deborah Movement Comes to Gary
GARY -- The Deborah Movement, brought its message to
Gary Tuesday, one that advocates the saying that action speaks louder than
words. During a meeting of the Gary Commission on the Social Status of
Black Males, members of the organization along with their Chicago sponsor, The
Black Star Project, supported the commission's launch of a Gary chapter of the
Deborah Movement.
The movement is an organization of women coming together
to "re-establish order and regain control in their communities through prayer
and active duties." The organization gets its name from the Old Testament,
which is based on Deborah the prophetess in Judges 4:8-9.
Barbara Sanders, a member of Chicago's West Side
chapter, said the goal is to establish a spiritual movement to stop the violence
in communities, establish a positive economic climate and rebuild the family
structure. "We are not about sitting around doing meetings and writing or
reading about what needs to be done," Sanders said. "We put a call to
action and answer the call by showing up and addressing the problems face to
face in a spiritual manner."
[COMMENT -GDY]: Good luck with that!
May the spirit be with them ... .
Gary Plays "2300 Jackson St." But Does Not Pay
GARY | Call most Gary City Hall offices and while on hold you'll be treated to the soulful city tribute, "2300 Jackson Street." But the Jackson family's hometown, in an attempt to honor its ties with the famous musical troupe, may be doing so without legally paying to play the tune.
Gary Mayor Rudy Clay has echoed the refrain of The
Jacksons song since Michael Jackson's death last June and the return of his
parents to the famous address. In preparing for last year's tribute to the
fallen King of Pop, Clay said: "Michael Jackson and his family had a
record that said '2300 Jackson Street, always home.' So this is home."
But in terms of the telephone hold music, The Times contacted several music associations and
publishers listed with the 1989 Jacksons composition. None reached by The
Times reported having any agreement permitting
Gary to use the song. The Jacksons tune is among Broadcast Music Inc.'s
6.5 million-work repertoire, which it licenses out to thousands of businesses
and other entities. BMI spokesman Jerry Bailey said Gary does not have a
license to use BMI's repertoire, including "2300 Jackson Street."
Clay referred questions about the legal use of the song
to city attorney Susan Severtson, who did not immediately respond with answers
about the song last week. Should Gary be asked to start paying, Clay said
he did not expect the city would continue using the song. I'm not saying
'no,'" Clay said. But, he added, "I doubt it."
Gary Searching for Loan to Cover $7.5M Shortfall
The DUAB helped Gary in 2009, along with three other local taxing units. The state auditor miscalculated the DUAB credits when preparing a tax distribution this winter, though. That mistake directed about $8 million to the units already getting DUAB help when it should have gone to other units in Gary, like the schools, library and Calumet Township. To make up for it, the county auditor's office withheld $8.2 million this month from the DUAB units and redistributed it among the shorted units.
The City of Gary's money manager said Gary will seek a loan to cover a $7.5 million hit taken when the county adjusted for the overpayment earlier this year. Green said the city's loan would be collateralized with casino funds. Much of Gary's casino money is tied up paying down the debt from construction of the U.S. Steel Yard and the renovation of the public safety building. That debt will be paid in March, Green said, freeing up money that could be used to pay back the loan.
Controller Celita Green said Gary's budget can't be cut enough to make up for the lost money. At least $29.3 million of the city's $52.8 million budget pays for public safety and $12.9 million of that is budgeted for the police department. Green said the city could be forced to repay spent money from a federal grant used to hire new officers if it cuts into the police department.
Meanwhile, the city already secured $20.2 million in budget relief from the Indiana Distressed Unit Appeals Board, funded by higher property tax caps for Gary property owners.
The administration will take the loan to the City Council for a vote, Green said, once it has approval papers from a bank.
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