is a blog link = BLOG
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at the bottom of every page on Dave's Den for your use.
Clicking on the BLOG link will take you to the approriate section of the blog to enter your comment.
No registration of any kind is required at the blog. Simply click on the blog COMMENT link, enter your comment and/or thoughts, then choose an identity option ("Name/URL" or "Anonymous") and finally enter the "I am a live person code" required. Doing so will permit you to submit your comments and thoughts for review.
I have configured the blog to require approval of postings before they are permitted to go public. Consequently, there may be some delay between the time you enter a post, and when it acually appears. I figure that tradeoff is worth not being exposed to, or having to wade through, spam and irrelevant messages.
You will notice the layout of The Blog is similar to Dave's Den, in terms of subject areas (the menu choices on the HOME/DIRECTORY page).
The very first comment in each blog section contains a return link to Dave's Den. Clicking that RETURN LINK brings you back to the entry page for the area of Dave's Den you were using.
EXAMPLE: You are reading the "Rudy Report." The "Rudy Report" is a menu choice on the Gary page of Dave's Den. You decide you have somthing to add and click on the BLOG link. You are taken to the Gary area of the blog. After you enter your thoughts, you may simply scroll up to the first comment, click the RETURN LINK and you will be returned to the Gary page of Dave's Den, to resume where you left off.
Of course, you also always have the opition of using your browser back button to return to the precise page were on before leaving Dave's Den.
Additionally, on both the top and left hand side of the blog front page is a link back to Dave's Den. Its use will return you to the Home/Directory (Main Menu) page of Dave's Den, should that be desired.
I do look forward to hearing from, and communicating with, you about the presentations on Dave's Den. I do encourage you to "rattle my tree." Thanks for coming by, and spending some time here. I hope you find your visits to Dave's Den to be interesting, enjoyable and time well spent.
IT =>[Category: Dave's
Den - History]
© 2008, G. David Yaros. All rights reserved.
Created 17 Feb 2008 - 05:49:46 Hrs.