DAVE’S DEN - Redux
A bit of history, for those who may be interested --
I got into computers in the last century, while running a law office. That interest became fairly consuming. It led to the creation and operation of a BBS. Anyone remember those? The bulletin board system was named Law Talk BBS. It operated on a CP/M based computer with all of 64K RAM, through a single telephone line at a rip snorting speed of 1200 baud! I was the sysop (system operator) of the BBS.
Before there was simply “the net,” there was . Before AOL™ there was
. I was a forum administrator on CompuServe™ for many a year. My forum provided
support to owners of orphaned computer hardware; such as KayPro, Eagle,
Commodore, Texas Instruments. You get the idea. I was on the trailing edge of
the technology, instead of cutting edge.
CompuServe™ did allow individuals to claim a presence on the net through the use of an offering called Ourworld. It was there, back in the late-1980’s, that Dave’s Den made its first appearance. Things went along swimmingly, until CompuServe™ was sold to AOL™. I have no idea if today one is actually able to subscribe to either of these pay services anymore? Nor do I know why they would?
What I do know is, CompuServe™ pulled the plug on my homepage(s) with the dawn of the new millennium. My homepage(s) comprised a web site I named Dave’s Den. Its eclectic nature developed a rather significant, and loyal, following. In its fifteen minutes of fame it even managed to garner a bit of recognition:
Some organization even viewed my humble offerings to be worthy of saving. It electronically captured parts of the original Dave’s Den and is storing them for, who knows what? Sort of like cryogenics! Those remaining remnants may be found at:
That was then, this is now. For reasons known only, and not necessarily explicable, to me, I have decided to try and resuscitate DAVE’S DEN . So, here we go again!
Now, a (very) little about me.
I am an early baby boomer. I was born and raised in Gary (Lake County), IN when Gary was a good place to live. I am a product of the public school system of Gary. After high school I worked for U.S. Steel for a few years; as did my father, and as did his father. I was a motor inspector (electrician) helper in ‘The World’s Largest Plate Mill,’ the 210 inch Plate Mill.
I survived both the draft and Viet Nam. I did so, only by joining the Marines when my college deferment expired. Six years after enlisting, while holding the rank of corporal (E-4), I was issued an honorable discharge in 1975. The Corps, knowing a good deal, and determined to take advantage of an opportunity, put my B.A. degree to good use. It trained me in two MOS’s (military occupational specialty) – Wire Communications and Motor Transport – which means I climbed telephone poles and drove trucks!
I hold a law degree, and am admitted to the practice of law in 3 states; Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin. It is with pride and pique that I state I gained admission to practice in all of these jurisdictions by having successfully passed multi-day bar exams!
I currently reside in SE Wisconsin. In addition to Gary, I have also lived in Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis, IN, and Middletown and Cincinnati, OH.
Besides computers, my interests include carpentry, auto mechanics, classic cars and travel.
The interest in classic cars goes beyond the casual. Through my wife Jean, I am a proud co-owner of a 1962 Oldsmobile, Dynamic 88, Convertible. It is one of 12,212 manufactured by Oldsmobile in 1962. In 2008 it has all of 32,585 actual miles on the odometer. We have a separate web site dedicated to the Olds. It is found at:
In addition, Jean was the titled owner of a 1985 Buick, Riviera, Convertible. Buick made all of 400 of these models in 1985. This car had 43,000 mile on it when purchased. It has subsequently been sold, to permit Jean to re-acquire her first car ever. She now has a 1963 Corvair Monza, convertible. It is her late April through October daily driver. This is because, as I discovered in my trek north, the temperate weather season is short in Wisconsin!
Your input, comments and critique are sought, and valued. I do encourage you to contact me via email.
Thanks for stopping by. If you like what you see, do enjoy and spread the word.
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